
Consumerist Tshirts: Vote!

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Consumerist Tshirt Finalists

Consumerist Tshirt Finalists

Of all the many many fantastic slogans that you guys sent it, these stuck out as the strongest. Before we throw up the poll, just want to make sure they’re cool with and we’re not missing anything. If you feel something awesome is missing, make your case in the comments or send us word on the tips line. Tomorrow, we vote.

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: FINAL DAY

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: FINAL DAY

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: Deadline Friday!

Consumerist Tshirt Contest: Deadline Friday!

Here’s some of your t-shirt slogans that particularly tickled our quixotic glands:

Consumerist Reader Tshirt Slogans

Consumerist Reader Tshirt Slogans

Our contest for readers to create the next Consumerist tshirt is in full swing. Here’s the best of the bunch so far, in our humble opinions.

AOL’s Gold Rush Contest Strangely Parallels Legal Efforts

AOL’s Gold Rush Contest Strangely Parallels Legal Efforts

Maybe this is why AOL is so eager to get those gold bars from the spammer’s backyard?

Consumerist T-Shirt Contest

Consumerist T-Shirt Contest

Insert witty remark here! Enter the Consumerist tshirt contest and earn fame and glory beyond the tip line and comments box!

What’s The Best Company in America?

Submit your company of choice in the comments or on the tipline. Include *why* you’re recommending a specific business. Even better if you have a personal story to tell.

The Unattainable Coca Cola Couch

The Unattainable Coca Cola Couch

When I was in school, mysterious state-endorsed hucksters would burst through my classroom door from time to time with arms full of candy bars. These guys would then proceed to gang press us all as unpaid door-to-door candy salesmen. The candy bars (which were usually more peanut and Chinese newspaper than chocolate) were uniformly terrible; moreover, they cost like 5 bucks each. But these guys were smart: they kept us hustling with the promise of prizes for reaching impossible goals. Ten candy bars sold got you a pencil, but a million? A robot dinosaur that transformed into a monster truck. Needless to say, the best prizes were logistically unattainable.

Winner: Neologify Your Consumerisms

Winner: Neologify Your Consumerisms

Last week we held a contest, in parallel with Valleywag, for the best consumer neologism. Here are the results.

Busted Product Photo Contest: Winner!

Busted Product Photo Contest: Winner!

“Long live rust and jagged edges.”

What’s Shatner Saying? Winners!

What’s Shatner Saying? Winners!

Busted Product Photo Contest Gallery

Look, we’ve got a magic gallery to look through all the entries. Click on a picture and start browsing. If you don’t see a whole bunch of photos below, hit refresh.

Busted Product Photo Contest

Busted Product Photo Contest

Battle to be America’s Cleanest Toilet

Battle to be America’s Cleanest Toilet

Cast your vote for America’s cleanest restroom at