Proving that it’s always a good idea to thoroughly read any changes in a company’s terms of service, even if you really don’t want to because it’s just so many words, Pandora customers might be interested to know that they could be getting phone calls, text messages or even videoconferencing calls from the company in the future if they don’t opt out. [More]

How To Opt Out Of Getting Phone Calls, Texts From Pandora Under Music Service’s Updated Contact Policy

Qwest Has A Twitter Account, Wants To Hear From Customers With Problems
Monica, a Qwest representative, sent us an official declaration regarding yesterday’s post; she says that Qwest absolutely does not do any throttling. She also points out that if you have problems you can’t get resolved, try the Twitter route. Their official page is

Why Can't You Understand That Hobbytron Does Not Want To Talk To You?
Hector ordered one product from Hobbytron and received something else. He tried to contact them to arrange a return, but every avenue they offered didn’t work, or funneled him to an alternative method. He finally recieved an RMA from them, but no instructions or description of what happens next. Hobbytron is really busy right now, Hector! They don’t need your guff!

Comcast Loves You So Much They Keep Billing You… 4 Months After You Canceled
Oh Comcast, you romantic. You were so sorry to see Michal leave that you pretended he didn’t. We get it: he bikes, he blogs, he helps toddlers learn Polish. But after four months of him repeatedly asking you to stop billing him, when you still won’t stop it begins to look a little stalker-ish. Your computers can’t always be down.

Netflix Mails "Do Not Rent" Screener Disc To Customer
I just got “The Rules Of Attraction” from Netflix and it’s a screener disc. As a matter of fact, 3 or 4 times through the movie, 5-10 minute sections of the movie have “This is the property of Lion’s Gate Films, This disc is not to be sold or rented”. Interestingly, it was a 2 sided DVD and when I watched the 2nd side, it was a test pattern. No extras, no subtitles, no language options. Just the movie with legal disclaimers overlaid throughout.

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Bausch & Lomb Contact Solution
Joe spotted this box of Bausch & Lomb Boston contact solution at his Target, another victim of the Grocery Shrink Ray. “Someone at Target wasn’t smart enough to change the original price label…4oz down to 3.5oz is significant when you are dealing with an everyday item like this at $7-7.99 per bottle,” he writes. Full pic inside.

Angry U-Haul Manager Says You Stole A Truck
Now that it’s summer, many people are doing the moving thing. For some, this might mean renting a truck or trailer from U-Haul, like reader Ryan. He reserved a truck from U-Haul online well in advance of his move, but when he went in for pickup was told none were available. Ryan called corporate, who called the store and convinced the surly manager to give Ryan a truck. Three days after Ryan returned the truck, he got this voicemail from from U-Haul: “This is Alexandria U-Haul Rentals. Your rental truck was due three days ago and you haven’t returned it. If you don’t return our truck today I will call the police.” See how Ryan handled the situation, inside.

How To Find Executive Contact Information Using Google Finance And Your Brain
People often write to us and ask “Hey do you have such and such a company’s email address? I didn’t see it on your website.”