To say that Wells Fargo has been having a bad few weeks might be an understatement: from being ordered to pay $185 million for the opening and closing of two million unauthorized consumer accounts to being party to federal investigations and being grilled on Capitol Hill. But it doesn’t look like things are going to get any easier for the company, as lawmakers are now urging a probe into whether it violated labor laws. [More]
Taking a closer look

Senators Ask For Investigation Into Possible Wage, Hour Violations By Wells Fargo

Rejoice! You Can Now Zoom In On Instagram Photos, Videos
How many times have you looked at an Instagram photo on your smartphone and instinctively tapped the picture to get a closer look at the details captured, only to be reminded that the photo sharing site doesn’t support zoom? Countless. Well, that’s about to change, finally. [More]

Now Walmart’s Investigating The Sheet Manufacturer That Target Ditched
Days after Target terminated its relationship with one of the world’s biggest textile manufacturers after finding the company supplied the retailer with nearly a million sheet sets labeled as “Egyptian Cotton” that were actually made from non-Egyptian cotton, Walmart says it’s reviewing Welspun India’s records and cotton certifications. [More]

Regulators Probing AB InBev Over Allegations Of Pushing Out Craft Brewers By Buying Distributors
Despite Anheuser-Busch InBev’s attempt in recent years to get drunk on craft beer by padding its portfolio with small brewers like Golden Road, Goose Island and Blue Point Brewery, among others, the beverage behemoth is in talks with federal regulators over allegations that its recent purchase of distributors is a calculated attempt to shut the door on increasingly popular craft brews. [More]

How To Opt Out Of Getting Phone Calls, Texts From Pandora Under Music Service’s Updated Contact Policy
Proving that it’s always a good idea to thoroughly read any changes in a company’s terms of service, even if you really don’t want to because it’s just so many words, Pandora customers might be interested to know that they could be getting phone calls, text messages or even videoconferencing calls from the company in the future if they don’t opt out. [More]

Legislator Demands Department Of Education Investigate For-Profit Chain ITT Technical Institute
Following the Securities and Exchange Commission’s decision earlier this week to file fraud charges against current and former executives with ITT Education Services – the operator of for-profit college chain ITT Technical Institute – for their part in concealing problems with company-run student loan programs, one legislator is calling on the Department of Education to further investigate the company. [More]