consumerist kit

New Consumerist Kit Tools

New Consumerist Kit Tools

HOWTO: Keep Track Of Coupons

Lifehacker Roundup

How to pick and care for a live Christmas tree

Demand A T-Mobile Hotspot Refund And Get It

Demand A T-Mobile Hotspot Refund And Get It

T-mobile’s hotspot this morning in the Charlotte airport didn’t let us on the internet, but were still charged $9.99. Visions of David Berlind’s similar battle dancing in our eyes, we called up T-Mobile, demanded a refund, and got it. Word.

Start Thinking About Filing Your 2006 Taxes

Start Thinking About Filing Your 2006 Taxes

In this restive spot after Thanksgiving and before Christmas-time madness, why not start getting your taxes together? Blueprint For Financial Prosperity has a roundup of useful tax time articles. — BEN POPKEN

Save 50% On Utility Bills

Save 50% On Utility Bills

MyMoneyBlog found a great way to save on home energy expenses, The Home Energy Saver online calculator.

Park Some Cash In These High Yielding Accounts

Park Some Cash In These High Yielding Accounts

Bank Deals blog released their latest roundup of accounts and interest rates. Here’s the highest yielding for each category. Be sure to check out the bank’s policies before opening an account, especially as some of these institutions are not exactly name-brand. — BEN POPKEN

What To Do When Energy Company Impersonators Come Knocking

What To Do When Energy Company Impersonators Come Knocking

Reader Mikki spotted one of the IDT Energy folks trolling for customers, pretending to work for ConEd, in Williamsburg.

ShoppingPath: Eyeball Saving Comparison Shopping

ShoppingPath: Eyeball Saving Comparison Shopping

Aiming for “total market transparency,” ShoppingPath plans to revolutionize online shopping visualization with a new model of product comparison tool that graphically groups products according to their price and features.

301 Posts On Saving Money

301 Posts On Saving Money

Free Money Finance, an excellent personal finance blog, just posted a roundup of ALL their money saving posts. We like:

Guide To Cyber Monday Sales

Guide To Cyber Monday Sales

Recently we reported that so-called “Cyber Monday” might be a mere marketing myth invented by the National Retail Federation.

Black Friday Hacks Roundup

Black Friday Hacks Roundup

These tips were good enough for ABC News to pick up from us, so they bear repeating on this, Black Friday’s eve. — BEN POPKEN

Lower Your AT&T Bill, Illinois

Lower Your AT&T Bill, Illinois

Illinois AT&T customers looking to save can now sign up for a new reduced plans.

Best Site For Auto Insurance Quotes

Kiplinger’s recommends InsWeb for a quick way to snag a bunch auto insurance quotes.

Results Driven Complaining

It’s not really complaining, in the pejorative sense, if you get what you want. Here’s a quickie outline to getting your customer service problem solved.

HOWTO: Buy A Thanksgiving Turkey

HOWTO: Buy A Thanksgiving Turkey

Learn how to select your fine feathered friend for Thursday’s dinner.

Be Prepared For Black Friday

Be Prepared For Black Friday

Before embarking on America’s asinine adventure in mob consumerism this Friday, use the checklist inside to make sure you’re ready. We’ve got:

HOWTO: Keep Track Of Coupons

HOWTO: Keep Track Of Coupons

Provided that you’re able to find any you’re interested in, clipping coupons can be a good exercise in thrift. How then to manage all those tiny slips of paper? Here’s some options.

Consumerist Kit Roundup Of Awesome

Consumerist Kit Roundup Of Awesome

Lock In Cheap Airfare