Make sure your gift arrives in time to be shoved under the tinsel by checking out these last-minute shipping deadlines for online stores.
consumerist kit

Two-Cycle Billing And Why It’s Evil
AllFinancialMatters lays down the math on why two-cycle billing sucks.
AMEX’s MyWishlist: Everything You Need To Know
Once again, the American Express website offers cardmembers a chance to participate in the “My Wishlist” promotion, but what’s it all about?

Save 75% On Drugs
You can cut your prescription cost by 3/4 by signing up for Free Drug Card.

Free Personal Finance Control Tools
Check out Feed The Pig for some neat finance control tools, like
HOWTO: Record Customer Service Calls
Recently we’ve gotten a flurry of emails asking how to record customer service calls (Vincent Ferrari says he’s receiving a slew, too).

Dispute Credit Histories When Companies Combine
The best time to dispute erroneous credit report items is when companies merge, says reader Thomas. It’s a little gray hat but hey, power to the people.

Find A Surgeon Online
Just saw this on the news (thank you, Katie Couric): HealthGrades is a website giving consumers unprecedented access to health procedure cost and hospital information.

Get Ready For Tax Time With 3 Folders
AllFinancialMatters has a suggestion for preparing for taxtime year round, something easy and low-energy you can do on a regular basis. Get three folders and label them Income, Expense, and Credits. File records accordingly. Ding!

Pay More Than The Minimum Credit Card Payment, Or You’re A Sucker
The minimum payment on your credit card bill may save you from overheating your brain by actually thinking about what you’re doing, but it’s no way to reduce your debt. AllFinancialMatters lays out the math.
What To Do If A Store Blacklists You From Making Returns
Speaking of making returns, retailers are placing some serial returners on blacklists. This is mainly to prevent abuse, like these scammers who stole over a million dollars from Home Depot in fraudulent returns, but sometimes legitimate consumers can find themselves on the return blacklist. Based on first-hand experience, Become’s Pocket Change tells us how to get off the list. — BEN POPKEN

Retailers’ Return Policies
Retailers are getting stricter with their return policies this year. If you’re not hot about the Marshmallow Shooter or Toshiba SD-4990 DVD Player grams got you, keep the receipt and don’t take it out of the package. Here’s the return policies of some of the major retailers. — BEN POPKEN

USPS Christmas Shipping Deadlines
Keep these dates on hand so your sweaters and socks arrive to their intended recipients on time this holiday season.

Hack Amazons URLs For Bargains
ProBargainHunter analyzed Amazon’s URLs and found ways to easily find hidden clearance and deal items by department. For instance, 75% off cameras: