consumer reports

Pistachios Recalled For Salmonella

Pistachios Recalled For Salmonella

The FDA recalled three different kinds of pistachios this week for salmonella. [Consumer Reports Safety Blog] (Photo: ?o??ƒx™)

How Badass Is Your Butt-Wipe? Consumer Reports Tests Toilet Paper

The “Wet Strike” test, seen in this video, is one of the ways Consumer Reports tests toilet paper. They stretch the paper over a beaker, wet it, and then dribble lead pellets onto it from a funnel. The paper that holds the most pellets is the strongest. Neat! Results will be unveiled in the May issue.

Maggots, Your (Medical) Friend

Maggots, Your (Medical) Friend

Via Consumer Reports Health blog: A recent study found that FDA-approved maggots work faster than hydrogel dressing to remove dead tissue in human leg ulcers. However, the ulcers healed just about as fast whether maggots or hydrogel was used. So, while the maggots weren’t any better than the hydrogel, they also weren’t any worse. At the very least medical maggots are a viable alternative, and should be considered in other dead-tissue clearing applications. Hopefully you’ll never need maggots but if your doctor should ever happen to suggest them, resist the urge to run away screaming. They’re just trying to feed on your flesh help!

Share Your Money-Saving Secrets

Share Your Money-Saving Secrets

What are your money-saving secrets? One Consumer Reports staffer recommends cutting open tubes of toothpaste to get at the last bit. I’ve heard that one before, but another new one was to “step on your toilet paper rolls.” That way it doesn’t dispense as fast thanks to its ovular shape and you save on sheets. I think you guys can top that and so does Consumer Reports, so submit your money-saving secrets in the comments or to, subject line: “shhmoney.” Besides getting featured here, the best ones might end up in a future Consumer Reports magazine article! “No idea is too small, wacko, or miserly,” says the Consumer Reports editor-in-chief.

Which Drugs Aren't Overpriced And Crappy?

Which Drugs Aren't Overpriced And Crappy?

Using the power of unbiased science to see which meds are the most cost-effective, Consumer Reports launched a new publication Best Drugs for Less this week. It’s amazing what you can come up with when you’re not in anyone’s pockets except your readers’.


Dog owners who value their fingers might want to give up their retractable leashes in favor of the more traditional, less amputation-prone fixed-length leash. [Consumer Reports] (Photo: me and the sysop)

Consumer Reports Tests The Amish Heater

You’ve seen the ads where the hard-working Amish folk are handcrafting miracle space heaters and no doubt scoffed at their absurdity and marveled at their Photoshop skills- but do the darn things work? Consumer Reports investigates in this video.

Tainted Peanut Butter Problems Will Go On For Some While, Says FDA

Tainted Peanut Butter Problems Will Go On For Some While, Says FDA

Our sister blog at notes that “current salmonella outbreak caused by tainted peanuts could drag on for as long as two years,” according to the FDA. The Peanut Corp of America may be history, but because peanut butter has such a long shelf life, and because they’re still adding products to the recall list, there may be food items lurking in pantries across the U.S. that are loaded with disease-causing peanuty badness.


Still not sick of the holidays? Consumer Reports‘s Tightwad Tod offers up some tips for finding post-Christmas deals.


In which Consumer Reports employees harm themselves or their real estate with consumer products, part 2. In this episode, a CR staffer’s son uses the stove’s self-cleaning feature without removing a plastic cutting board from inside the oven. Yes, the fire department was involved. They had to pull the range out of the kitchen and leave it to cool in the driveway. Awkward. [Consumer Reports]

Try Consumer Reports' Website For Free And Increase Your Shopping Abilities

Try Consumer Reports' Website For Free And Increase Your Shopping Abilities

Consumer Reports has set up some cute mall kiosks in the Boston Area so that shoppers can research products while they are shopping, but if you can’t get to Boston you can still give the website a try.


If you’re in the Boston area, be sure to check out Consumer Reports’ Holiday Smart Labs. There’s a kiosk where shoppers can access and take away a free 24-hour access pass to the site. The kiosks will be open at the North Shore Mall in Peabody, South Shore Mall in Braintree and Burlington Mall in Burlington from 12/4 – 12/7.

Tales Of Consumer Reports Employees Injuring Themselves With Products

Tales Of Consumer Reports Employees Injuring Themselves With Products

Nobody is perfect, it seems, not even the folks at safety-conscious Consumer Reports. They’ve put together a group of stories from employees who managed to injure themselves with various products.

Consumer Reports: Kenmore Vacuum Sucks In A Good Way, Dirt Devil Just Sucks

Consumer Reports: Kenmore Vacuum Sucks In A Good Way, Dirt Devil Just Sucks

Consumer Reports’ vacuum cleaner test results are in and there’s bad news for Dirt Devil. Their pretty “Kone” vacuum poses a safety risk.

Expensive Cars Are Cheap Right Now

Expensive Cars Are Cheap Right Now

Consumer Reports analyzed late-summer car deals and the results are none too surprising. The biggest incentives are on gas-gourgers and big vehicles, the cars no one wants right now.

Your Brother Committed Suicide? No Insurance For You

Your Brother Committed Suicide? No Insurance For You

Consumer Reports has an interview with the mother of a young man who couldn’t get any insurance because, after his brother committed suicide when he was younger, he saw a psychiatrist for a few sessions. He went uninsured after he aged out of his father’s coverage and taking jobs with no health benefits. Then, while he was cleaning it, his pickup truck burst into flames.

Smell Cookie, Spend Loosely

Smell Cookie, Spend Loosely

On a tight budget and using equal parts willpower and behavior self-modification? Stay away from the cookie places in the mall. The September 2008 issue of ShopSmart says studies show that even just catching a whiff of your favorite treat can increase your urge to splurge.


A Consumer Reports study finds that 79% of consumers surveyed say they plan on buying a car with better fuel economy. [Consumer Reports]