Next time your internet connection turns to sludge, consider these ten tips from a former ISP insider.

10 Confessions Of A Telephone Company Customer Service Rep
A current customer service rep at a telephone company tells you what’s really going on on the other side of the line when you call in: abject loathing.

How To Negotiate What You Want From Sprint Retentions
A former call center worker told us how to get to, and deal with, Sprint retentions department so they will fix billing errors, or waive fees.

3 Confessions From A Former Used Car Salesman
Patrick is a former used car salesman who grew a conscience. He has three tips to share with us:

7 Confessions Of A Car Salesman: Kia
Carl spent some time selling Kias at a dealership in Colorado, and has written in with a few insights about Kia, selling cars, and some buying strategies for you. Some highlights:

18 Confessions Of 2 Former T-Mobile Reps
Eighteen insider consumer tips from ex-Tmobile customer service representatives Christof and Anon. Oh no, we’re not done with that series. Not by a long shot.

Consumerist Confessions: Tell Us About Cars…
The Consumerist is interested in hearing from car salespeople and customer service representatives in the automotive field. We’re looking for tips related to buying a new or used car. If you are or once were a car salesperson or worked in a car dealership and would like to confess, write to us at tips [at] consumerist [dot] com.

Avoid Outsourced CSRs By Asking For Someone Who Works At AT&T
The company is outsourcing customer service jobs on the sly, and have been for at least a few months. Not to India, because that would be obvious, but to Canada. Alberta- to be specific. The newbies are working with a company called Convergys. These people seem to be going through a real crash course, and seem to know only how to read the sample scripting our computer system spits out. We’ve been having problems with them screwing up orders left and right, misquoting (or not quoting) rates and fees, and generally mucking up everything they touch. The bad part for customers, aside from not knowing exactly what they’re going to be paying every time, is that it seems like they’re not as ready to credit accounts when it they need to. I’m not sure they have the authority to give more than a few bucks back, which doesn’t always cut it.

Consumerist Invites You To Join Whistleblowers Anonymous
We know many of our readers work at the companies that we write about, and we’ve started a program specifically for you. It’s called Whistleblowers Anonymous and it can help you overcome your addiction to corporate douchebagism. Through Whistleblowers Anonymous you can help your customers, your fellow humans, and yourself.
9 Confessions From A Former Enterprise Rental Salesman
A former manager in the Enterprise fleet sales division has a guilty conscience to unload at your feet. 9 tips, 5 pages of insider info about how the car rental game really works. Car rental insurance is a scam, but you can flip the script and use if to your advantage. Prices are liquid, and depending on the day of the week and how you butter your agent in certain ways, you can get a good deal. Despite the commercial with the brown-paper-wrapped car, Enterprise employees hate picking you up and dropping you off.

10 Things We've Learned From 'Confessions of A Wireless Sales Rep'
Over the past week, it’s been quite a learning experience here at The Consumerist. Former and current reps from all of the major wireless companies have written in, sharing their tips and tricks and confessing their sins. It’s been a fascinating look inside the daily life of a sales rep, but what have we learned?

8 Confessions of An Alltel Sales Rep
Here in New York, we don’t really know much about Alltel. They seem like happy, fun people who live on that “farm” where all the city dogs go when they die. “Sorry, Becky. Spot went to live with a nice family at Alltel Wireless. He’ll be happy there.”

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep
T-Mobile doesn’t want to be left out of the fun! One of their sales reps has generously and selflessly written down his innermost thoughts and sent them to the Consumerist for your personal edification. Bask in the glory of Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep…

6 Confessions Of A Former Sprint Sales Rep
Sprint has joined the ranks of cell phone providers whose former (and current) sales reps are beating down the Consumerist’s door, eager to tell all. Let us move without delay to the confessions of a former Sprint sales rep:

Employee Confessions On Our Dancefloor Roundup
We’ve been getting a lot of “confessions” from company employees lately, so we’d thought we would round up the latest, as well as bring some classic gut-spillings up from the archives.

7 Confessions of a Cingular Sales Rep
The need for cell phone sales reps to cleanse themselves in the healing waters of the Consumerist is nearing an all-time high. Reps from all over the cell phone universe are flooding the tip line, a tidal wave of lost souls begging for redemption… Ok, not really, but a guy who works at Cingular just wrote us with some tips for the readers. Why should Verizon have all the damn fun?