The recent wage caps on veteran employees are supposed to encourage employees to advance through the ranks rather than staying in the same job, year after year.

AOL CSR Not Making Enough Money, Robs Bank
On her blog, this former AOL call center team manager describes the the pleasure of overseeing some simply delightful underlings.

Further Confessions of Former AOL Retainers
In light of today’s news that America Online’s content and services are going free, let’s glance at a polaroid of those halcyon days and Monte Carlo nights of yesteryear.

What Would Jesus Do in a Suit?
What’s the most unethical thing you’ve ever done in business? There’s a new blog, Ethics Crisis, asking just that and the responses are starting to get interesting. And If the business people aren’t honest with each other, they just might not be honest with their customers, doncha think? Here’s the best one so far:

Customer Service Coming Back Home?
According to a report by a former customer service worker, the giant e-retailer moved their customer service call centers back from the peacock feather of the Orient.