A few days back, Taco Bell unleashed it’s latest vaguely Mexican-ish-sorta-sounding fast-food Voltron, the Quesalupa — or as Conan O’Brien dubbed it, the “Case of Lupus” — but only in Toledo. Because none of us live anywhere near the Ohio city and because fast food items tend to look very different than what’s advertised, we asked readers to send in photos of the Quesalupa in the wild. You obliged, and the results are surprisingly not horrifying. [More]
conan o’brien

Conan O’Brien Visits Taco Bell Test Kitchen, Creates The Irish “O’Taco”
One of the staffers on Conan O’Brien’s show is an aficionado of the fine, authentic Mexican cuisine at Taco Bell, so using the “incredible power” he has in show business, Conan did what any good boss with a TV talk show would do — took the staffer to the Taco Bell test kitchen for a segment. [More]

Dodge Durango Pitchman Ron Burgundy: “It’s A Terrible Car”
You’ve probably seen any of the dozens of commercials that legendary San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy has recently made for the Dodge Durango. But the tell-it-like-it-is newsman isn’t going to hide his distaste for the vehicle. [More]

Conan O'Brien Presents Newest Groupon Ad
Apparently, not all of Groupon’s controversial ads were shown during the Super Bowl. Conan O’Brien unearthed an ad for the site you may have missed. [More]

When You Include DVR Info, Conan Is King Of Late Night
Times have changed, and cable no longer plays automatic second trombone to network TV. ESPN hosts Monday Night Football and the BCS championship game, the NBA playoffs are on TNT and the new king of late night is on TBS. [More]

TBS Makes Conan Episodes Available For Free Online
For the Conan fans out there who don’t feel like ponying up for basic cable, TBS has decided to post every episode of his new show online the day after it airs. [More]

Conan Dares NBC To Sue Him Over Masturbating Bear
It’s always tricky when a popular talk show host changes networks and tries to bring some of his associated gags and characters along with them. That’s the situation facing Conan O’Brien as he preps to launch his new TBS show and expects the suits at his former network NBC to have some complaints. [More]

Conan O'Brien's Inner Monologue During His 60 Minutes Interview
As you are probably aware, we tried to help Mr. CoCo by offering EECB information for NBC executives. It didn’t work, but people seemed to accept the fact that we were now writing about Conan O’Brien which, editorially, we find refreshing. NBC even ended up in the Worst Company In America bracket, though that might have also been due to contact dermatitis from Comcast. Anyhow, Conan was on 60 Minutes the other day and now some genius has added subtitles of what the bearded ex-host was really thinking as he politely declined to unload on Jay Leno. We’re sorry our EECB didn’t help you, CoCo, but we still love you. [More]

United Airlines Uses Twitter Account To Push Male Enhancement Pills
Perhaps following the lead of Denny’s, who has been pointing customers to the wrong Twitter account for several months, the folks at United Airlines decided to use their Twitter to link out to a site selling male enhancement pills. [More]

Conan O'Brien Is Losing His Mind, Twittering About It
While Jay Leno is busy driving around his army of classic cars and shilling for shows on other networks, the Tonight Show’s host-in-exile Conan O’Brien appears to have lost his mind. But thankfully, TV’s redheaded stepchild is Twittering about it. [More]
Cadbury: Our Eggs Aren't Smaller, You Are Bigger
Actor B.J. Novak from The Office appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien bearing proof that Cadbury eggs have recently shrunk. In tow were two Cadbury eggs; the egg from yesteryear was clearly larger than the egg currently on shelves.