When You Include DVR Info, Conan Is King Of Late Night

Times have changed, and cable no longer plays automatic second trombone to network TV. ESPN hosts Monday Night Football and the BCS championship game, the NBA playoffs are on TNT and the new king of late night is on TBS.
Deadline relays TBS’s assertion that Conan O’Brien’s late-night talker on TNT topped the ratings in the 18-34 and 18-49 demographics when DVR viewings are taken into account.
Conan edged show-swiper Jay Leno in the 18-49 demo from Nov. 8 until the end of December, garnering 1.44 million nightly viewers to Leno’s 1.35 million. Coco was even more dominant with viewers aged 18-34, 930,000 viewers to The Daily Show’s 574,000.
Which late-night shows do you watch?
DVR Viewing Boosts ‘Conan’ To The Top In Young Demos [Deadline]
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