Did Mary get her TV or her PS3? Nope. The staff told her there was a priority list for the PS3, but couldn’t tell her if she was on it. Then, after Mary left the store TV-less and PS3-less she got a telephone call from the store manager, who informed her:

CompUSA Stays Open Thanksgiving Night
CompUSA announced plans to open from 9am to midnight on Thanksgiving night, giving it, and its customers, a jump on Black Friday.
Whose Warranty Is Best?
That got Homerjay thinking. We all know to avoid these in-store warranties, but which manufacturer warranties are up to snuff? Apple is famous for their level of service (as long as it’s not an iPod). Who else’s warranty wins it for you?

CompUSA Unaware of So-Called ‘Internet’
Rick CC’d us on a letter he wrote CompUSA after trying to get them to price match Linksys NSLU2 network storage drive. He could get the drive at Newegg for $84, versus CompUSA’s $100, but kinda wanted it that day instead of waiting for shipping. The clerk said they only price-match competitors in the area. As in, the geographic space surrounding the physical store.

CompUSA, “Brother, Can You Spare a Paperclip?”
Mike writes in tale of CompUSA exhibiting classic “bullet in foot” syndrome.
Why We Gripe: Is Friendly Retail a Lost Cause?
Although the comments are full of the self-congratulatory jerking that we bloggers do so well, there are some interesting points raised in response to a post by Mike Sansone about a bad experience at CompUSA. Specifically, “Does complaining about an employee online do anything besides push down cloying training materials from the PR and sales departments of large retail operations?” (Actually, that’s our question.)