Liquidation sales have not transformed consumer electronics chain Tweeter into a Shangri-La of discount electronics, much to our disappointment. No $50 HDTVs. No ‘buy one get one’ deals on iPods. Just 49 closing stores offering 10%-30% discounts. All sales final.
Complete CompUSA Closeout List
HW Blog says they’ve got a copy of the complete list of “savings” to be had at the closeout CompUSAs.

CompUSA Won't Honor Rebates For Items Purchased At Closing Stores
Effective immediately, customers in closing stores are not eligible for CompUSA rebates, and manufacturer rebates will not be available. If an item was purchased prior to 2/27/07, and qualifies for a rebate, please follow the normal submission instructions located on your rebate form. The closing store will not participate in CompUSA’s national ads. However, the closing stores will have their own sales; pretty much every item in the store will be on sale, and the closing stores may have their own ads too.
Well, at least “pretty much every item in the store will be on sale.” You just don’t see enough use of the phrase “pretty much every” in store policies these days.—MEGHANN MARCO

Beware: CompUSA's 'In-Store Pick-Up' Is A Scam
Kevin purchased two DVD and CDR spindles using CompUSA’s “In-Store Pick-Up” option; when he got to the store, the price doubled. Kevin had already handed over his credit card information and had a printed receipt. Why did the price double?
Confirmed: CompUSA's "Fire Sales" Suck
Reader Dave writes in to confirm that CompUSA’s “fire sales” do, in fact, suck. Dave reports the soon-to-be-shuttered Monroeville, PA CompUSA is offering most items for 10% off MSRP. Some items sport discounts of up to – hold your breath – 20% off.

URL Hack Reveals CompUSA's Discontinued Items
You can find out how crappy the closeout deals will be at your local liquidated CompUSA by hacking this URL:

CompUSA's "Fire Sales" Expected To Suck
Don’t expect good deals at CompUSA store closings, reader Brian reiterates, as the liquidation company apparently has a history of being anti-consumer:

HOW TO: Know If Your CompUSA Is Getting Liquidated
How do you know if your local CompUSA is one of 129 getting liquidated starting tomorrow? If it’s not on this list, it’s going out of business.

BREAKING: CompUSA Closing 128 Stores
CompUSA is closing 128 of 229 stores, a source familiar with the proceedings tells The Consumerist.

CompUSA Invented 53 Week Year So Execs Could Cash Big Bonuses?
CompUSA had a 53 week year last year, allowing upper management to reap large bonus checks, according to a company insider.
On Second Thought, Don't Expect Good Prices During CompUSA Fire Sales
News of CompUSA closing 100 stores brought visions of fire sales to our eyes (burn, prices, burn!), but our CompUSA insider says those fantasies may be just that.

EXCLUSIVE: CompUSA Closing 100 Stores
CompUSA will close 100 stores this year, according to an industry insider speaking to us under conditions of anonymity.

CompUSA: Buy a Zune, Get Free iTunes Gift Card
So, I work at the Spokane CompUSA,and every Saturday night, we print out all the new advertisement tags to put up on products that are going to be on sale for the next week and put them out.

Vista Lauch Fun
- • Most CompUSA stores will be open from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. (New Jersey stores will not be open because of state retailing laws.)

CompUSA Sells Computer Dripping With Porn To 13-Year-Old Boy
The Donaldsons bought their 13 year-old son a new computer from CompUSA for Christmas and were shocked to find it bedecked with racist child porn.
CompUSA Definitely Not Staffed By Robots
Golly, artificial intelligence just keeps getting smarter and smarter, as reader Matt’s conversation today with CompUSA shows.
Gift Cards Are The Most Popular Gift
The 2006 Deloitte report on gift cards is out, and it’s official. Gift cards are the single most popular gift this holiday season. But are they a good buy? Sort of. It seems that due to consumer pressure, and FTC pressure, stores are improving their customer service/disclosure of fees when it comes to gift cards. But that doesn’t meant there aren’t still a lot of problems. The Montgomery County, Maryland, Office of Consumer Protection which assesses dozens of cards annually, has released their 2006 report. The report evaluates 40 different gift cards, looking for things like whether or not the card can be replaced if lost or stolen, whether the cards have an expiration date, and whether fees are assessed to the card’s balance. Basically, you want to avoid the following cards: