Consumer Complaints: Blue Niles Break Half-Price Promises
Dollsome reader Paige C. writes in about the tragic mislaying of one of her Blue Nile earrings. It is rather predictably followed by a smattering of appalling customer service on Blue Nile’s part after they promise (then deny) her a half-priced replacement:
It’s Just Lunch Rips Off Love-Lorn Professionals
Consumer Affairs has posted an expose of It’s Just Lunch, a match-making company that for a “modest” fee will listen to you gush forth your wildest dreams of dating a banker or a neurosurgeon and then hook you up with a salivating, dead-eyed landscaper at the local mental asylum. Here’s the link. Now here’s our take.
Consumers Speak: jetBlue’s Boston Boomerang
This is a special ‘Consumers Speak,’ as the consumer is us. We’re currently sitting on a jetBlue flight at Logan Intl’ in Boston. We arrived here at 4:00 for a 6:20 flight.
ConEd and GHI Blindly Bully Blogger
ConEd and GHI insurance bully customers into paying on time, threatening cancellation, even if they pay they bills punctually, rants PR and blogging maven B.L. Ochman.

Consumers Speak: Volkswagen’s Not-So-Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles
Here’s a depressing story from Melanie O. It seems that Volkswagen’s ‘Certified Pre-Owned’ program can mean, well, whatever a dealership wants it to mean. That’s a shame, too, because we just so happen to be fans of the company’s product.

Ripped-off Ford Customer Torches Dealership, Kills Self
t screw your customers over: they may blow you up.
Complaints Lead to Mystery Harassment
Michael Harrison’s experienced an update of the classic ‘Yellow Pages’ prank—where someone signs a target up for every magazine subscription, free credit card, and food delivery person in as small a window as possible—for posting negative comments about a company on his blog. He suspects the dozens of phone calls, spam, and junk mail he received came as recompense for a negative post about’s service based on the IP history of posters on various trackbacks and blogs.
Consumers Speak: Home Despot (We Had to Say It Once)
Sandra G.’s dealings with Home Depot could have been worse—she didn’t get the exact experience she wanted so she got her money back, albeit with a fair degree of hassle—but we figure it’s time we let you tell us about your worst experiences with Home Depot. We’ll start with our own: Why won’t Home Depot let you use gift cards online? We’ve got a $50 card that we’ve had for a year.
Lambda Legal Clucks Tongue At Blizzard For Anti-Lesbian Guild Policy
Speaking of virtual sex, Lambda Legal has gotten involved in the Blizzard debate over whether or not gay and lesbian friendly guilds (clubs of players who enjoy playing with one another in online games, for those unfamiliar with the jargon) are allowed to advertise in their wildly popular game, World of Warcraft. Lambda Legal is an activist group aimed at protecting the civic rights of gay, lesbian and transgendered Americans, and they’ve sent Blizzard a friendly letter, asking them to cave on their current policy: citing gay and lesbian players for mentioning their sexual preference, ostensibly because it makes them targets of bigotry.
Consumers Speak: Delta Loses Bag
And customer loses mind. Michelle K. writes:
My bags were lost when I flew from Moscow, Russia to the states on Nov 9, 2005. I picked up my luggage in JFK, went through customs and checked them in for my flight to PIT. They never came. In those bags I had all my clothes and all of my 2 children’s clothes including, socks, shoes, underwear, bras, t shirts, tops, pants, skirts, tights, and so on. I also lost our camcorder, our camera, 2 brand new coats (one leather, one fur trimmed), a Coach handbag, Christmas gifts for my family and friends and irreplaceable family videos.

Apple iMac Core Duo Video Issue Fixable with Software
An early-adopter of an Apple iMac Core Duo reported ‘video-tearing’ issues with his new baby and set up a website to document his troubles. Fortunately, after doing some troubleshooting, he’s discovered that Apple sent out the new iMacs with two different versions of Mac OS X, one of which has the video issues and one which does not. While he still hasn’t resolved the issue to his satisfaction—the Genius Bar doesn’t have the latest builds of OS X?—it does appear that the issue, while frustrating, can be fixed in software.
TPM’s Collection of Ikea Woes
We’ll cop to sort of being taken aback by Ikea, as our first experience with the Scandinavian furniture superstore was just a couple years ago. We’re still somewhat in shock at how much appearance of good furniture one can get for such a small amount of money. Plus, as we are legally required to mention, meatballs.
Yahoo and AOL to Charge Companies To Spam You
As if you didn’t already get enough Spam, AOL and Yahoo are going to start charing companies to allow them to bypass your spam filter: