
Massive Citibank Fraud Alert

Boing Boing posted a link yesterday to a first-hand account of a massive Citibank fraud crisis which has frozen countless people out of their accounts. No real details on what has actually occurred at Citibank have been given, but a lot of people have been impacted with their Citibank ATM and Credit Cards alike.

“Smiling Bob” Penis Pill Scammers Nailed

“Smiling Bob” Penis Pill Scammers Nailed

Like most of you, we at the Consumerist have an entire Hotmail account devoted to unsolicited emails from Eastern European girls asking us if we want to see naked pictures of them and making frankly personal inquiries as to the size of our penis. And while we are always eager to see more anonymous hot and naked girls, we’ve learned long since that no pill on Earth is going to help us so much that we will have to tape our member to our chest when getting dressed every morning. These products just never work as advertised.

Dear AOL: Practically Everyone Says You Suck

Dear AOL: Practically Everyone Says You Suck

H&R Block Gets Man in Tax Trouble, Doesn’t Care

H&R Block Gets Man in Tax Trouble, Doesn’t Care

Tax Prep ToDo list:

AMC Kicks Laughing Puppet Out of Pink Panther

AMC Kicks Laughing Puppet Out of Pink Panther

AMC movie theaters are under fire for the egregious crime of kicking Florida resident Matt Brown out of their theaters for laughing too hard during a recent showing of The Pink Panther remake.

American Airlines Blames the Victim

American Airlines Blames the Victim

Brad tried to board his American Airline flight only to be told he was already in the air and would have to purchase another ticket. When he refused, the boarding agent accused him of stealing.

Comcast Oversold Bandwidth

Comcast Oversold Bandwidth

Comcast oversold bandwith in Bay Area, California, resulting in speeds slower than dialup.

I Love A Good Starbucks Product Invasion In The Morning

I Love A Good Starbucks Product Invasion In The Morning

Some people don’t like the rich, creamy, fascist flavor of Starbucks. To voice their disfavor spray mounted this poster next to a new Starbucks.

Samsung T-809 Gets Skanky All Up Inside Its Camera Crack

Samsung T-809 Gets Skanky All Up Inside Its Camera Crack

s mud in your eye: Victor got Samsung T-809 camera phone and loves it, except for the gap underneath the camera that allows dust to easily get into and underneath the LCD screen.

Undercover Report Complains About Complaining About the Police

Undercover Report Complains About Complaining About the Police

A citizen’s watchdog group conducted an undercover investigation against south Florida police departments. 31 out of 34 departments surveyed had no forms available for citizens to register complaints against officers.

VW Stealership Sues Customer To Silence His Whistleblow

VW Stealership Sues Customer To Silence His Whistleblow

Complaints: Columbia Gas of Ohio

Call in Your Product Gripes and Loves to Buzzophone

Call in Your Product Gripes and Loves to Buzzophone

If textual bitching doesn’t get your rocks off enough, go auditory with the Buzz-o-Phone. Call 1-800-591-5375 and leave a 2-minute-or-under product/ service/ company gripe or praise. Your message gets automatically uploaded to the Buzz-o-Phone podcast for other’s delight and perusal.

Earthlink’s Incompetent Email Tech Support Frustrates Felix

Earthlink’s Incompetent Email Tech Support Frustrates Felix

Felix Salmon, a stalwart NYC blogger (check ’em out here) and all-around good chap, sends in his little chat with Earthlink about how his emails gets delayed for sometimes up to two days. The succession of tech reps he talks to are equally mystified, but instead of owning up or trying to resolve the issue, dump buckets of useless red herrings on his head. One of them even quits mid-session after not being able to provide an answer cribbed from the tech support binder propped open in front of him. Full juicy transcript, interlaced with Felix’s commentary after the jump.

HOWTO: Escape Best Buy Without Showing a Receipt

HOWTO: Escape Best Buy Without Showing a Receipt

…I manage to get about 5 steps out the door before the door guard catches up to me and grabs my cart, with the “sir” in his “I need to see your receipt, sir” somehow not very complimentary. This is apparently a stalling tactic, as shortly a few more blue-shirted employees make a move to block me from making any more progress toward my car.”

Micro Kvetch: ‘Best of’ Roundup

Micro Kvetch: ‘Best of’ Roundup

s the week’s best:

The Consumerist’s Poor Customer Service

So as much as it pains me—Joel—to say this, I’ve got to tell you what I did, because it’s painfully ironic.

Letter from Continental Airlines Seat 29E

Letter from Continental Airlines Seat 29E