
UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Salesman’s Arrest Warrant

UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Salesman’s Arrest Warrant

In the case of Prius sale gone wrong, Mark tells us that he met with a lawyer this weekend. The lawyer agreed to help sue Mr. Gentile, the salesman.Dan Wolf Toyota of Naperville. Yay. Lawsuits.

Monday Morning Readers Round-Up

Monday Morning Readers Round-Up

Now that we are media darlings, the Consumerist tip line has been flooded with pleas of help, reasonable complaints and the ravings of lunatics… and, as usual, we want more!

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

Don’t Let Foxtons Real Estate In The Hen House

Don’t Let Foxtons Real Estate In The Hen House

Real-estate mega lister Foxtons prides itself on only charging 3% instead of the standard 6%.

Who Called My Cellphone?

Who Called My Cellphone?

Call it the “silent prank caller.”

UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Warrant For Salesman’s Arrest

UPDATE: Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Warrant For Salesman’s Arrest

On Monday, we posted part of Mark’s story about how he tried to return a Toyota Prius and ended up incurring the wrath of vengeful salesman who placed obscene phone calls at all hours to his wife. A warrant is now out for the salesman’s arrest.

iBitch, or Paying For Your MacBook With $600 Worth of Five Spots

iBitch, or Paying For Your MacBook With $600 Worth of Five Spots

While dumping ten thousand pennies upon a counter says ‘Hobo Joe’ no matter how you look at it, it is better sometimes than walking around with a huge wad of small bills.

Cingular Bill Walks Like A Duck

Cingular Bill Walks Like A Duck

Cingular’s inability to maintain accurate billing records are resulting in invoice overages which they seem powerless to fix, according to DB’s complaint.

Doteasy Wrongly Punishes Pixel Pusher

Doteasy Wrongly Punishes Pixel Pusher

The internet is often stigmatized for its tyranny of the crowds but just the reverse can be true when it comes to spam.

Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Warrant For Salesman’s Arrest

Sleazy Prius Deal Ends in Warrant For Salesman’s Arrest

Best Buy Vacuum Sales Clogged With Lies?

Best Buy Vacuum Sales Clogged With Lies?

At first we were excited by Lisa’s story. It seemed that Best Buy was running a scam, tricking consumers into buying vacuums and service plans and then not fixing the vacuums when they broke. Lisa complained, “until she was blue in the face” to multiple supervisors, to no avail

How-To: Join the Consumerist Groupthink

How-To: Join the Consumerist Groupthink

WiFi or Die, Perhaps the Latter, Barnes & Noble & Starbucks

WiFi or Die, Perhaps the Latter, Barnes & Noble & Starbucks

We’re crouching on the floor of a Barnes & Noble in Park Slope, an enfranchised enclave of Brooklyn. The walls of our apartment began to throb and press against our skull, so we escaped, in search of caffeine, wi-fi and a/c. In a perch between the archival scrapbooking section and the leather journals, the sun beats a low hum across our arm and slow cooks our laptop. We glance enviously at the Starbucks tables.

Radio Shack, You’ve Got Questions, Bully For You

Radio Shack, You’ve Got Questions, Bully For You

Radio Shack bills itself as the happy place where if, “You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers.” Having gone there a few times to pick up audio supplies and the like, it seems the only question they’re equipped in answering is “Where are your audio converter cables?” Beyond that, don’t ask. Do your research online and buy there, even, only venturing into the retail store if you need your wares that day or the amount of gas costs less than shipping.

Sharper Image Dulled

Sharper Image Dulled

A reader squirts, “I just came across your website today…pretty funny stuff! I have to relate to you an experience last week that for some reason really left me fuming.”

Adelphia Makes Customer Pay For Porn She Never Ordered

Adelphia Makes Customer Pay For Porn She Never Ordered

The News

The News

• If you can’t have Lay, there’s always other chips to go with the fish. [CT] “Enron-related case means test for new treaty”

Broken Watch, Missing Watch, Stolen Watch?

Broken Watch, Missing Watch, Stolen Watch?

If there’s one technical support job that even the dimmest of bulbs can flick the rope of drool off of their pendulous lower lip to get, it has to be watch battery replacement. Any fool can do it; ask all of my stoner friends in high school, who all worked at the same mall watch repair pagoda.