David is very unhappy with T-Mobile. Last month he upgraded to a PDA phone in order to receive his emails on-the-go, as so many of us do. Anyway, after some confusion about what features are necessary to accomplish this, David added text messaging to his account via T-Mobile’s website and the emails started flowing on in.

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up
While the steaming chunks of what was once Ben’s body now clog the toilet of a Bronx men’s room stall, it’s still business as usual here at The Consumerist.

Worst Customer Service, Ever?
You’re chewing your nails to the quick, possessed by a nameless anxiety destroying all your motivation. A trip to the hypnotist reveals you have deep, unresolved issues stemming from a horrible customer service experience you’ve since suppressed. The soothsayer advises you to visit a public place and scream it out at the top of your lungs.

Wachovia Apologizes For Locking Old Man In Bank
Robyn submitted a complaint on the Wachovia website about Monday’s unfortunate incident. This was their swift response:

Target Still Being Sued For Having Website Blind Can’t See
Target’s motion for dismiss was dismissed by Judge Marilyn Hall Patel and we’re taking a peek at the complaint and rubbing our eyes.
We (Maybe) Called Fran
Doing some social engineering, we found Fran’s last name and home phone number (we think). It’s hard to say, because twice when we called her, she hung up immediately after we asked for her.

Stroke? For Refund, Prove It
Khanh’s mother had a stroke, preventing her from her from using an AmericaWest ticket for a Las Vegas vacation. He’s trying to help her get a refund but it experiencing one of those key locked in the safe conundrums. His travel agent tells him to call AmericaWest. The airline tells him to call his travel agent. What to do, he asks?

State Farm Isn’t All There
Short Story: State Farm sends a letter telling Rick he was ID’d as fleeing a hit-and-run accident. They claim to have a photograph of Rick.
Soldier in Iraq Shoots Crappy HP Printer
Loosely in honor of 9/11, here’s an American soldier in Iraq expressing his dissatisfaction with an HP printer. With his automatic rifle. According to the original post on Break.com, after they sent this in to HP, they received a free new printer in return.

Target Don’t Like Talkin’ ‘Bout Fran
By popular demand, we tried to followup on the reader complaint about her disabled mother getting treated poorly at at Target. We made some calls and learned what happens when you try to go in the front door. It gets slammed in your face.

Helmann’s Spreads It Thin
Provoked by our post on the same, Derrick was enraged that Hellman’s has reduced the size of their mayo jars from 32 to 30 oz, while keeping the same price. He wrote them a letter and here’s how the sandwich Nazis responded:

Go-Tarts Blithely Indifferent To Own Sucking
Dan loves Kellogg’s Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts. When he saw Kellogg’s had a new version, “Pop-Tarts Go-Tarts,” he gave them a shot and was promptly disgusted. “Bad as in “I ordered the filet and I got rump” bad,” he says.