I know we all like to laugh at old homemaker ads, like where bad coffee will make your husband have an affair or the wrong douche will let the communists win, but here’s one that pushes it a step further. How? Dead babies. As the scary ad explains, a thermos keeps filthy germ-ridden flies away from the milk, and keeps the milk cold, and that means the milk won’t kill your baby. If you don’t buy this thermos, you may as well make your baby into terrible tasting instant coffee and use it to drive your husband into the arms of his secretary, because that’s what you deserve. [More]

Get Your Expired Bloomingdale's Gift Card Balance Restored
Pam had a Bloomingdale’s gift card that went unused for a couple of years, and when she tried to spend it last weekend, she was told it had expired. Pam found a way to get the balance restored fairly quickly, though. If you’ve got a card from before February 2008, try Pam’s advice below.

Something we noticed while looking up info on Blockbuster.com today: the $25 cash back promo they’ve got going with PayPal is still being promoted on the front page of their site, but the fine print says it expired on August 31st. You probably shouldn’t take advantage of that “offer” until Blockbuster clears up the expiration question.

Wachovia Apologizes For Locking Old Man In Bank
Robyn submitted a complaint on the Wachovia website about Monday’s unfortunate incident. This was their swift response: