The cost of a college education has outpaced inflation for the last few decades, making school less affordable for millions of Americans and driving student loan debt past the $1 trillion mark. And in the last decade, the for-profit education industry has taken in many billions of dollars in federal student aid for schools with high dropout rates. Today, President Obama offered a suggestion: Free community college educations for those willing to stick to it. [More]
community colleges

Community Colleges That Don’t Offer Federal Loan Access Put Nearly 1 Million Students At Risk
Compared to private loans, federal student loans may be a preferred, and sometimes safer option, when it comes to financing one’s higher-eduction. But for a large section of American students those loans are out of reach because their schools simply don’t offer the option. [More]

For-Profit Schools Are More Flexible & Convenient Than Community Colleges, But Can Land You In Debt Hell
Whether it’s for financial, academic or personal reasons, a traditional four-year college isn’t in the cards for everyone. Community colleges have long offered the opportunity for people to get started (or restart) their education without having to go into debt, so why have so many Americans recently opted for more expensive for-profit colleges that are regularly criticized for spending more on acquiring students than they do on teaching them? [More]

Washington Wants Better Oversight Of For-Profit Colleges
Enrollment in for-profit colleges like the University of Phoenix, DeVry University, and Kaplan University–Gawker calls them fake colleges–tripled in the past decade, and has become such a fast-growing segment of the education market that some members of Congress think it needs better oversight. [More]