McDonald’s has apparently given up on the idea of associating its food with even moderately enjoyable moments in life. Instead, the fast food giant decided to go dark — like, really dark — for a recent ad that markets the chain’s fish sandwich as some sort of replacement for a dead father. [More]

Verizon’s “Can You Hear Me Now?” Guy Now Shilling For Sprint
For years, he was the face of Verizon Wireless, popping up in TV and print ads with his “Can you hear me now?” catchphrase. Then, like all commercial fads, this pitchman’s familiar face faded from public view… only to be dusted off and trotted out as a shill for Sprint.

Microsoft Takes Back Its Naughty Ad For The Kin
Perhaps in an effort to show that the iPhone isn’t the only super sexy young hip fun phone out there, Microsoft had a bit of a misstep recently with a commercial for the Kin that seemed to promote sexting, the act of sending graphic content via camera phones (aka the ultimate fear of teenagers’ parents everywhere). [More]
Head On!
We saw this on TV and wanted to snag it. Then we stopped watching TV. Luckily, someone else had the frame of mind to video tape this bizarre commercial for a headache relief stick that you, well, apply directly to forehead.
George Costanza Pimps The McDLT
Jason Alexander really does turn-in the most enthusiastic performance of his career as he desperately hustles to get you to buy an innovative new McDonald’s sandwich, the McDLT. Keep your hot side hot, your cold side cold! He dances, he sings, he shucks and jives!
The Fate of Kaje and His Sears Lawnmower
Some of you were pretty rough on Kaje when he wrote in, telling us he was given a better Sears lawnmower by mistake. Would he give it back? Or would they have to pry the new mower out of his cold, dead hands?
Jack White’s Coke Ad, #2
Turns out there’s actually TWO versions of the awesome new Coca-Cola ad featuring a track by White Stripes’ Jack White. This one is cool because all the extras move at the end. The commercial is directed by Nagi Noda, based on the technique she pioneered in the Japanese music video Sentimental Journey.
Jack White’s Coke Ad
Some applaud how different this ad is from your typical Coke commercial. Stylistically, this is true but really it just puts a pretty new dress on a classic ad trope. Therein, the product is passed from random person to random person, spreading joy and smiles along the way.