
Chat Closed: Get Commenting Access In Real-Time!

Chat Closed: Get Commenting Access In Real-Time!

Okay, bonny lads, luscious lasses. Time for you to become a commenter, without all the uncertainty of firing an email like a single spermatoza hazarding a trek through the Internet’s labyrinthian fallopian tubes. We’re giving them away in real time. Starting…. NOW!

How-To: Join the Consumerist Groupthink

How-To: Join the Consumerist Groupthink

Monday Morning Tips Reminder

Monday Morning Tips Reminder

Forget not, we thrive on your spillings of fears and finds. Without them, we begin to fade like Marty McFly after it looked likely he would end up schtupping his own mother. To avoid this calamity, send in your links to relevant blogs you think we might like, your personal true horror/heaven stories of business dealings, rants, kvetches, we want them all. We feed upon them, digest them and often regurgitate for everyone to see and enjoy. Just drop them in our tip box.

Best Comments of The Week

In their own special way, many of your comments tickled us this week and we’d like to reward the best with marquee status. Let the love-in begin.

Monday Morning Reminder: Send Us Your Fourth Of July Maimings!

Monday Morning Reminder: Send Us Your Fourth Of July Maimings!

Happy Independence Day! Ben and I are taking it easy and sleazy over the next couple days, so today will be a half day and tomorrow will be a null day. However, we will undoubtedly stumble back to work with bloodshot eyes and throbbing brow on Wednesday morning and then, more than ever, we will need your tips to regurgitate on the site verbatim with a minimum of commentary in order to make our Gawker imposed quota.

Best Comments of The Week

ModerateSnark: You mean the Oompa Loompas may have taken a Poompa Doompa in the Chocolate River?

Talk Back To Us

Talk Back To Us

HOWTO: Comment on The Consumerist

New world order. Comments are messed up. There will be a new link in posts from yesterday going forward. It sits at the bottom left of the post. Click on it to make a comment. If you’re not logged in, you need to login, then go back and click the new comment link again. Sorry for the inconvenience, this should only be temporary.

Monday Morning Reminder:

Monday Morning Reminder:

Just a Monday Morning reminder that Gawker has two starving bloggers to feed in The Consumerist and we simply can not feed both ourselves and Ben Popken’s Eraserhead-like progeny without hearing from our readers.

Monday Morning Reminder: Consumerist Wants Your Tips

Monday Morning Reminder: Consumerist Wants Your Tips

Just a reminder that if you’ve found a story you’d like to see here, have an anecdote (bad or good) about a company or just want to give feedback about the tone and direction of this site, The Consumerist wants to hear from you.

Consumerist Advice Needed: American Cell Phone Plans

John Brownlee here, yet again slipping out of The Consumerist royal ‘we’ to the chagrin of that credit-garnering overlord, Joel Johnson.

The Week in Comments

Perhaps more than most other Gawker Media titles, The Consumerist lives and breathes for your comments and tips. Here’s some of this week’s best threads, along with unfairly out-of-context excerpts.

Commentors Point / Counterpoint: Attitude Relevance in Good Customer Service

In response to a recent post in which we posited that a customer’s attitude when dealing with a CSR was important when trying to guarantee good service from the pallid, hateful peons of your local call service center, our comments section experienced a flurry of seven responses, arguing whether or not it made a lick of difference. Here’s a couple of the more interesting ones.

Commentors Speak: Responsible Ways To Get Your Waiter Fired

We love you guys. When we launched, there was a concern that our comments section would be filled with one-noted, petulant griping — after all, that’s pretty much all we post. But we think you guys are pretty much on the same ball we are — at heart, we aren’t commune hippies with irrational hatred of capitalism, but avid consumers who love buying enough to try to remain unblinkered, who try to remain reasonable beyond both irrational hatred or the empty titillation of some savvy PR temptress.

Reminder: We Want to Hear You Kvetch

Keep those consumer complaints rolling in, folks. We read each one, trying to determine if you’ve got a real beef (and you almost always do), and do our best to get the word out.

Consumerist RSS Feeds

A few of you have asked if we have RSS feeds. We do, both in flavorful, ad-supported, full content and ad-free, partial content varieties. If you’d like to join Gawker Media in welcoming the mid-’90s hottest trend in reader response, you may also subscribe our our comments only feed.