
DirecTV + NHL Center Ice + ComcastSportsNet = No Hockey Games For You To Watch

DirecTV + NHL Center Ice + ComcastSportsNet = No Hockey Games For You To Watch

I live in the Harrisburg, PA area – “Comcast Country” so I shouldn’t have to explain my decision to subscribe to DirecTV. As part of my DirecTV service I also subscribe to the NHL Center Ice package so I can watch the Philadelphia Flyers games. I was happy with my service and my TV provider choices until about a week ago…

Comcast Monitors Twitter For Angry Customers?

Comcast Monitors Twitter For Angry Customers?

The brass at Comcast are keeping an eye on Twitter, according to Michael Arrington of TechCrunch. He spewed some bile about Comcast via Twitter and got an immediate response from their internet damage control team.

Comcast Is Worse Than The New Jersey DMV

Comcast Is Worse Than The New Jersey DMV

Here’s sad news– Comcast has worse customer service than the New Jersey DMV.


Pass the hat around, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts is only going to make $20.8 million this year. [Philadelphia Inquirer]

Comcast Spews BS When You Complain About HD Degradation

Comcast Spews BS When You Complain About HD Degradation

David wanted a straight answer from Comcast as to whether they were degrading his HD signal, but instead was fed a colossal trough of baloney. The executive customer service rep who replied to David’s email said Comcast is using a “new system” for HD and while it “works well with clean 1080i signals, we’re making some adjustments to improve how it handles other types of HD signals so we can bring you the best HD picture. We apologize this has not created the HD experience that we intended, but we will work towards getting it right. ” Sure… check out this previous post, Comcast Degrades HD Quality To Make Room For More Channels, for the science and proof of how Comcast (and other cable operators) are degrading HD feeds to make more money. The full exchanges between David and the Comcast reps, inside…

Nickelodeon Is Channel 33, Comcast Adult On Demand Is 333

Nickelodeon Is Channel 33, Comcast Adult On Demand Is 333

Yeah, I blocked Adult on Demand, but I only found it in the first place because I was searching the hinterlands of Showtime en español.

It’s nice that you have such a good sense of humor about it. We imagine that eventually Comcast is bound to get some calls from parents who aren’t so pleasant to deal with.

Comcast Tech Abuses Power To Rack Vegeneance On Xbox Hackers

Comcast Tech Abuses Power To Rack Vegeneance On Xbox Hackers

DSL Reports has the story of an outsourced Comcast tech was fired after bragging online about using internal Comcast systems to get vengeance on hackers disrupting his Xbox. After annoying little twerps intentionally overloaded his Xbox with data (known as packet flooding), Mark Ribeiro, who describes himself as a “Comcast tier 2.5 support agent, which essentially means im one of the top 1% elitest agents,” went to work. First he identified one of the perps and found out he was a Comcast customer. Then he looked up the kid’s info in the Comcast support system and called the kid’s father…

Comcast Degrades HD Quality To Make Room For More Channels

Comcast Degrades HD Quality To Make Room For More Channels

When you order Hi-Def TV, you expect it to be on the shining Excalibur level, but it looks like Comcast is degrading the quality of some HD channels in order to make room for more channels. To test this theory out, Avsforum member bfdtv recorded the same shows from the same channel at the same time on both Comcast Hi-Def and Fios TV. The left is the FiOs. The right is the Comcast. As you can see, the Comcast signal looks like crap. The forum thread has more screenshots, a signal analysis, and some source videos. So far the Comcast channels receiving extra compression are: Discovery Channel, SciFi, USA, Food, NatGeo, UHD, A&E, HGTV, Starz, Cinemax, HBO, TLC, Animal Planet, Discovery HD Theater, and History HD.

Comcast Is Renting Your Land And They're Not Paying Their Bill

Comcast Is Renting Your Land And They're Not Paying Their Bill

When you don’t pay your bill Comcast cuts your cable off, but what happens when Comcast doesn’t pay its bill to you?

Comcast To Baseball Fans: Sorry You Woke Up At 6AM To Watch Nothing, Here's $2

Comcast To Baseball Fans: Sorry You Woke Up At 6AM To Watch Nothing, Here's $2

On a normal day, losing some cable channels for a couple of hours would be an inconvenience. On a day like today, some might use words unfit for publishing. You see, today was the first game of the Red Sox and A’s seasons, played in Japan. The game started at 6AM EST, and plenty of die hard baseball fans rose early to watch… nothing. Comcast gave me a $2 credit for my troubles. There’s nothing like a $2 credit to make me feel valued as a customer.

Comcast Wants To Use Cameras And Facial Recognition To Serve Ads In Your Living Room

Comcast Wants To Use Cameras And Facial Recognition To Serve Ads In Your Living Room

Where’s my tinfoil? Comcast’s senior VP of user experience, Gerard Kunkel, apparently wants to put a camera in your cable box and use it to serve ads.

Comcast Tells FCC It Doesn't Have Authority To Interfere With "Traffic Shaping"

Comcast Tells FCC It Doesn't Have Authority To Interfere With "Traffic Shaping"

Comcast is now claiming that the FCC “has no legal power to stop the cable giant from engaging in what it calls ‘network management practices’ (critics call it peer-to-peer traffic blocking),” reports Ars Technica. In an amazing display of spin, Comcast writes that letting the marketplace “maximize consumer welfare” has been “enormously successful” as proven by the “Comcast customer experience”—seriously, we’re not making up these phrases. On a less humorous note, the filing in which Comcast makes these claims also seems to imply that it will sue the FCC if it tries to enforce any changes on how Comcast blocks P2P traffic.


Comcast workers have started to unionize. All the Comcast workers who read our blog can sign up here to learn about organizing their workplace.

Man Gets Comcast To Honor 16mbps For $52.95 Price

Man Gets Comcast To Honor 16mbps For $52.95 Price

Comcast wanted to charge Daniel $69.99 for 16mbps internet access, or “Blast” level service, but he knew that he should only be paying $52.95, as he already had TV service with Comcast. No amount of wrangling could convince the customer service reps otherwise. The deal also couldn’t be found when going through the main Comcast pages and price plans. But then, after searching on the Comcast site, Daniel found documentation of the price and forced Comcast to honor it. Now he shares the PDF with us so others can get this deal as well. He was also able to get a $79.99 credit on his account to buy a new cable modem since the 16mbps service needs Docsis 1.5 or higher technology in the modem, so that’s something to shoot for as well. Note, Blast is only available if you’re in one of Comcast’s the “select” “competitive” markets, i.e. wherever Verizon FiOS is. Inside, the full contents of the PDF splayed out…

Comcast Worker Saves Couple From Blazing Apartment

Comcast Worker Saves Couple From Blazing Apartment

A Comcast worker woke to find that his apartment building was on fire, so he decided to save some people using the ladder from his truck. Nice guy.

Hartnett jumped into action, knocked on residents’ doors and ushered people to safety.

Round 1: Comcast vs Menu Foods

This is Round 1 in our Worst Company in America contest, Comcast vs Menu Foods. One company kills pets. Another kills file sharing. Which is the greater crime? The wisdom of the internet will decide.

See the master bracket of all the companies here.

The 5 Stages Of Dealing With Comcast Customer Service Grief

This video is a promotional spot for, your one-stop shop for bitching about the cable-provider. People who submit their complaints over there in the comments along with their account numbers have gotten them fixed.

Comcast Apologizes For $2 Charge, Says It Will Make Sure CSRs Don't Do That Anymore

Comcast Apologizes For $2 Charge, Says It Will Make Sure CSRs Don't Do That Anymore

After we posted yesterday about Ian’s surprise $1.99 fee for asking Comcast to stop mailing him junk mail, a Comcast rep contacted Ian and apologized for the confusion, explaining that the fee is real but “it is not for changing marketing preferences.” Read his full email after the jump.