Wrap up in that bear fur, Jon Snow: Winter is coming and this year it’s going to be a lot less friendly than it was last year. The federal government says American households are going to use more heating fuel this winter than last year because temperatures are going to actually be cold, instead of the balmy weather much of the country experienced last year. Makes sense. [More]

Winter Is Coming, And This Year It’ll Be Cold Enough To Increase Your Home Heating Bills

5 Ways To Keep Your Dog Warm During Cold Months
Dogs are better equipped to handle the cold than humans, but Jack Frost can still put the hurt on pooches. If you own a dog who spends a lot of time outside, there are things you can do to make sure he stays warm when temperatures bottom out. [More]

Vicks Accidentally Says It's Been Around For 1,000 Years
A typo on the Vicks website makes it look as if Vicks is saying it’s been around for 1,000+ years. Yes, indeed, perhaps what really ended the Dark Ages was the discovery of Vaporub. With it, William the Conqueror’s congestion and coughing from hanging out in musty castles could be relieved and he could get on with the business of invading England and establishing a more unified and stable feudal system of governance. [More]

Flu Spreads By Who Kids Play With, Not Sit Near
A new study debunks some commonly held believes about how kids pass on the flu to other kids, and to their parents, NYT reports. [More]

Is Obesity A Virus?
“Kachoo!” could be the sound of a kid getting fat. New research shows children were 50 lbs heavier on average if they had been exposed to adenovirus 36, a virus that causes the common cold and mild stomach upset. [More]

7/11 Is Free Slurpee Day At 7-11
Free 7.11oz Slurpees can be had by one and all at 7-11 on Sunday, July 11th. Yes, that’s on 7/11. Schedule a doctor’s appointment now for the inevitable brain freeze! [More]

$500,000 In Consumer Refunds From Rite Aid After False Cold Remedy Advertising Suit
Remember the class-action lawsuit against the makers of cold-and-flu-preventing magic potion Airborne? Airborne claimed that it could prevent or shorten colds and flus, without any actual scientific evidence to back those claims up.

Pizza Time Manager Fires Employee Who Complained About Subfreezing Work Conditions
Well that was quick: the Pizza Time employee who told reporters that the store’s manager had shut off the heat and was making them work in a subfreezing store, was fired. This guy really is a terrible boss.

Pizza Time Owner Cuts Off Heat, Tells Employees To Work In Subfreezing Temperatures Or Quit
The owner of a Pizza Time in Washington state has cut off the heat at his store after an employee forgot to turn the heat off one night, and is threatening to suspend employees who complain. The manager (the owner’s wife) has a space heater in her office.

There Are No Safe And Effective Cold Medicines For Small Children
Dr. Benjamin Brewer, who writes “The Doctor’s Office” column in the Wall Street Journal, addresses the issue of giving cough and cold medicines to children.

Budget For A 10% Increase In Heating Costs This Year
Colder temperatures and higher fuel prices are going to hit consumers in the wallet this winter, according to estimates from the government. Depending on your fuel of choice, heat could cost from 4%-22% more, though most households will see an increase of 9.5%.
Help Your House Survive The Cold Snap
Here’s what to do if the recent cold snap messes up your house.

Experts Say Cough Syrups Don’t Work
My skull a steadily expanding hydrocephalic sack of mucus, I’ve been swigging a lot of cough syrup lately. I’ve spent a hundred euros on the stuff over the last couple of days, which — roughly translated into America’s currency, the U.S. Cowboyo — is a hell of a lot of money. You empty your wallet on the counter of the local pharmacist, but even in your feverish daze, you know cough medicines don’t really work: it just makes you feel more proactive about your chances of fighting off your body’s alarmingly rapid decomposition into a jell-o monster made of phlegm.