When you buy a laptop for a couple bucks at a salvage and recovery store, you take a chance it might not be good as new. But if you’re buying a box of tampons from the same outlet, you might ask “what could possibly be wrong?” Well… lots. [More]

How About Some Cocaine To Go Along With That Terrorism Textbook You Ordered On Amazon?
A college student was a bit surprised when she opened a used textbook on terrorism that she’d ordered from Amazon, and a package of cocaine fell out. Perhaps whoever sent it thought she might need an extra kick for those hours of studying.

Man Buys Used Minivan From Thrifty Packed With $500K In Cocaine
When you buy a used car — especially one that used to be a rental vehicle — you shouldn’t be shocked to find that the previous owner may have done a bit of work that wasn’t fully disclosed. But there’s a difference between a bit of Bondo and a half million dollars of cocaine stashed in the door panels. [More]

Don't Buy Your Crack With Monopoly Money
If there’s one thing every crack dealer hates, it’s being paid in Monopoly money. A 33-year-old man in Wichita, KS, was pulled over by officers last week and found bleeding from the head. He told police he’d just been tricked by his angry crack dealer into coming over to his house, whereupon the dealer pistol whipped his face. According to the police report, the victim told them that “a couple of weeks ago he bought several hundred dollars of crack-cocaine with Monopoly money and now the dealer was ready for pay back.” [More]

Report: Billy Mays Used Cocaine In His Last Days
The Hillsborough County, Florida medical examiner’s office reported this afternoon that toxicology results show boisterous master pitchman Billy Mays had used cocaine sometime in the days before his death. This may have contributed to his fatal heart attack.

Teen Finds Cocaine In CVS Candy Aisle
A 14-year-old in Middleburg, Florida, went to buy some Skittles at a CVS and found a small bag of cocaine next to the candy. Police have reviewed the security tapes, but say the store’s cameras don’t cover the candy aisle. As if sugar doesn’t make them hyper enough already.

Store Accidentally Sells Peppers Stuffed With Cocaine
We love chile rellenos, but this is just silly. A store in NYC sold peppers stuffed with cocaine to three different customers, none of whom knew they were getting a little something extra in their produce.

Oklahoma Legislature Has Cocaine (The Drink) Party, Stays Up All Night Debating Ban, Grinding Teeth
Should an energy drink be allowed to brand itself with the name of an outlawed drug? A state lawmaker in Oklahoma says no, especially not when kids can buy it, and he’s trying to get the drink pulled off of shelves in the state.

"Cocaine" Energy Drink Withdrawn Because Everyone Hates Its Name
The company that made an energy drink called “Cocaine” took its product off the streets amidst haters getting all up in its grill over its “edgy” name.

Overstock.com’s Patrick Byrne: Not Gay, Not Coked Out, Not a Jedi
Overstock.com’s CEO Patrick Byrne is a man who enjoys his crazy in bulk. Although the company continues to grow year-to-year, Byrne is doing his best to dissuade investors from giving him any of their money to burn.