With a record number of retail bankruptcies this year and surviving chains trimming their store counts, there are a lot of store closing sales happening across the country. Yet when a store closes its doors and the liquidation sales have been thoroughly picked over, where does everything end up? [More]
closing time

Man Locked Overnight In CVS Won’t Be Charged For Helping Himself To Snacks
If you found yourself inadvertently locked inside a CVS overnight, you could try out a bunch of cosmetics, wrap yourself in bandages and play “mummy,” or — like one Michigan man — help yourself to some food from the snack aisle. [More]

Grocery Chain Fresh & Easy Closing 50 Stores In Three Western States
Shoppers in California, Arizona and Nevada should keep an eye out for disappearing grocery stores, after the Fresh & Easy chain announced it’d be closing 50 stores in the three states and redesigning the rest. That’s about a third of its total stores after emerging from bankruptcy under new ownership in the fall of 2013. [More]

Liquidations: Say Goodbye To The Virgin Megastore
Just when we thought that we were done with liquidations for awhile — Virgin decided to close and liquidate all their US stores.

300 Starbucks Will Close, Brand New Fancy Jet Will Be Sold
Starbucks is closing an additional 300 stores, says the Seattle Times, and will eliminate 700 non-store and 6,000 store jobs. The store closings will save the company $500 million per year. Meanwhile, the company is trying to sell a fancy corporate jet it bought last month for $45 million. Read CEO Howard Schultz’s memo to employees inside.

Bid Adieu To Home Depot's Expo Stores
Home Depot will close 34 “Expo Design Center” stores as the demand for massively overpriced toilets and light fixtures appears to be waning. Actually, never mind… Home Depot says that Expo was always a failure. “Even during the recent housing boom, it was not a strong business,” they said.