
HMVs Stormed With Defaced, Remixed Paris Hilton CDs

Ridiculing Paris Hilton for a lack of talent really is like beating an encephalic poodle with a sack of oranges until you exhaust yourself, only to find it still obliviously drooling out its tongue and staring at you with wide, flickerless eyes. You’re not getting through. And, personally, we tend to suppress an eye roll when guerilla consumerists sneak into shops and ruin the shopping experience of others to get across their obvious, fatuous message.

419 Scam Raid In Action

Here’s a sexy beeb video of a Nigerian cybercafe getting busted for sending out spam-scams. As thrilling as it is to see these jerks arrested, the EFCC’s job has to be akin to whack-a-mole.

The Adventures of Pepsiman

It’s Labor Day weekend. That means today’s a half-day for me and Ben. It also means that, depending how drunk we get, there may very well not be any posts on Monday. It also means that the posts we do put up today are going to be slacker heaven.

Fox News Reporters Fired For Being Too Tough on Monsanto Milk

In 1997, the investigative reporting duo of Steve Wilson and Jane Akre cracked a story about Monsanto’s conspiracy to push bovine growth hormone while ignoring the potential risks to its “end users.” Unfortunately, they worked for Fox News. The channel was extremely reticent, to say the least, to run the story after coming under pressure by Monsanto.

The 1991 SPAM Festival

Consumer Blasts Verizon With Car Windows

Consumer Blasts Verizon With Car Windows

Another fine example of people using their cars as anti-corporate billboards. What really makes this one, however, is what the owner decided to park his car in front of.

Improv Everywhere Invades Home Depot

Softcore agit prop group Improv Everywhere sent 255 people to Home Depot in Manhattan to shop very slowly for five minutes.

The Ad Starbucks Doesn’t Want You To See… Because It Sucks.

I generally wouldn’t post something so smugly self-serving as this mock Starbucks ad, but I want to point out that there’s a lot of money we spend that could be used to send to starving children. But that presumes that charity and welfare can solve extremely difficult political and social problems.

Don’t Be This Consumer

Instead, he used the oldest black hat consumer trick and bought a new video ipod, put the old ipod in, and returned it.

Tap Icer Demo

Here’s an exciting way to save time when cracking ice, the Tap-Icer! Found this in a drawer here in the Poconos. They’re supposed to be good for crushing ice for martinis and mixed drinks.

Operation FTB: Taco Bell Sauce Dumping Video

I officially hate these Taco Bell jackasses now. Pedestrian rhetoric and wooting in the Taco Bell parking lot leads to storming a busy Taco Bell and disrupting everyone’s meal as they just completely trash the place by dropping 400 pounds worth of garbage on the floor. They claim that they “returned the sauce out of kindness” after rejecting the idea of using it as a prank, but come on… this was the prank.

Sierra Mist Ad Develops New Meaning Post 8/10

Jonathan Cowperthwait points us to a Sierra Mist commercial set in an airport security line. Our wild guesstimate is that it won’t be seen on TV anymore, strange prescience aside.

Samsung A920’s Continuing Trials: Video & Pix

Samsung A920’s Continuing Trials: Video & Pix

So you may have noticed posts stopped around 12:30 today. That’s because after taking our blog union mandated lunch break, we noticed a gorgeous day out the window. So we took our bike and did a buncha laps around Prospect Park. When we exited Grand Army Plaza, we found about 50 cop cars lined up, ready to perform some kind of neat coordinated operation.

Oozinator: AV Club Peepshows Hasbro’s Marketing Team

Oozinator: AV Club Peepshows Hasbro’s Marketing Team

GameCrazy Sales Training Video is So Bad it Hurts Good

Revel in the upsell tactics, uptempo snyths and local video production house stable of actors, especially Zelda Scott. She’s prone to lines like “I’m down here in the hizzouse, you know, the heezy, with the GC posse, to get the 411 on GameCrazy,” and “They can’t hate on our used games.”

Prusakolep: Kill Cockroaches on LSD

After that sleazy Joe Francis story, I think we all could use a burst of sunshine to break through the clouds of our thoughts. So I’m pleased to call your attention to this commercial for Prusakolep… the best commercial ever made. It views like a lost scene from Skidoo, featuring kitchens and schooners overrun by cockroaches… not to mention the most captivating and apropos synthesizer rendition of La Cucaracha ever recorded.

The Source of An Inconvenient ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ Spoof

Know this An Inconvenient Truth parody? If you’ve been on YouTube any time in the last 48 hours, very probably. Perhaps you were even one of the knee-jerk reactionaries who left a comment either praising (“Finally sockin’ it to those hippy pansies in the taint!”) or condemning it (“Wow, was that ever unfunny. Unlike that giant flap of skin on the neck of the guy who runs Exxon.”)

Head-On Watch Continues

It’s been a busy week for HeadOn. After making the blog rounds, it was the subject of a Slate feature and it burbled up to national media, appearing on the Nightly News, MSNBC and NPR’s “Day to Day.”