
Customer Records His 7-Hour Delayed Flight In All Its Baby-Screaming Glory

• Renaissance music used to depict his waiting wife and child.

Pilot To Stranded Passengers: "I'm Powerless"

[via Today Show]

Strange Dell Fashion Show Announces New Line Of Pretty Colored Laptops

Unable to resist, we sent Gawker video wunderkid Alex Goldberg to tape the affair awesomeness. We hypothesize the fete was conceptually tied to Dell’s new line of Insprions which come in different colors, meaning that Dell has finally caught up to Apple, circa 1998.

Family Stalked Using Cellphone Snoopware

Holy crap, this is scary! A family interviewed on the Today show is being stalked by “hackers” who have taken over their cell phones. The stalkers use the cell phones to record conversations and the play them back to scare the family. They also leave messages saying they are going to rape one of the family members.

Man Teaches Apple To Not Repair His Macbook By Smashing It With Sledgehammer

Michael coulda tried calling back again later and getting a different rep, or emailing Steve Jobs, or filing a dispute with the BBB or AG, or any number of different options. Instead, this seems to have been his most personally satisfying option.

News Footage Of The United Airlines O'Hare Traffic Jam

Airplanes were still allowed to land at O’Hare even though there were no available jetways at the United terminal. Wow, this looks like fun! —MEGHANN MARCO

Watch Out For Poison Colgate

The 5 oz of poison can be identified by these tell-tale package misspellings:

Hacking US Airways' Company Directory To Reach Lost And Found

Here’s the recording of us, spruced up by the visual wizardy of our video slave Alex Goldberg, calling Investor Relations (480-693-1227) yesterday, pressing 0, and brute forcing our way to somebody, anybody, any live person to help us just file a simple (and yes, probably totally hopeless) Lost and Found request.

Crash Test Your Car!

Crash Test Your Car!

Ever wanted to see what your car would look like if a dummy drove it into a wall (a dummy other than the cousin who borrowed your car for a joyride)? Admit it, you think about it when you get a lousy trade-in price. Thankfully, there’s the Consumer Reports Crash Test videos, where you can see how your car will hold up against things like short concrete walls and other typical objects found along a highway.

Want To Cancel Your Energy "Savings?" That'll Be $1800

“Several companies are engaging in these very aggressive tactics against consumers and small businesses, many of the people and the businesses are getting ripped off,” said City Councilman John Liu. “There needs to be stronger regulation.” — BEN POPKEN

Stick It To The Smartass Cable Tech

Thing is, though, it’s not the tech’s fault the dispatch system is messed up. — BEN POPKEN

The Best Damn Sandwich Shop In Brooklyn

When Michael Fiore, the earl of sandwich, was building his restaurant, Tempo, he found there was no good sandwich place around. So in the extra space next door, he decided to open his own, to feed his employees and the neighborhood (not a bad marketing strategy either, to offer a down-market version of their high-quality product). The result is Tempo Presto, located at 256 5th Ave in Brooklyn, which brings the same intense attention to detail from Michael’s kitchen to the lowly sandwich. — BEN POPKEN

Feverish XM Radio Destruction Compilation Video

They forgot to include this one where some guys drive an 18 wheeler truck cab over an XM radio. Then they light another on fire and drive over it, just like they would do at a monster truck rally. The video’s makers were also remiss to not do some kind of Max Headroom effect with this CNN clip.

Cancelling XM Radio Like Teaching Molasses To Flow Uphill

XM: I am now changing the words that I use.

VIDEOS: XM Subscribers Destroy Radios To Protest Opie And Anthony Suspension

Opie and Anthony fans are sawing, blowtorching and smashing their XM radios after the satellite radio provider suspended the shock-jock duo. Here’s a roundup of 7 of such videos, several of which contain cursing.

"Try Sperm" Exhorts Vitamin Water Commercial

"Try Sperm" Exhorts Vitamin Water Commercial

UPDATE: Video re-uploaded.

Beware The WiFi Snoopers, They're Watching You

For more info on how you can protect yourself when using public WiFi, check out this article from Computerworld. —MEGHANN MARCO