Do you remember the Great PlayStation Network Hack of 2011, which caused a 23-day outage and a massive credit card breach? I didn’t: I had to look it up. If you were one of the estimated 70 million people affected, and you happened to know about a class action suit settled in 2014 to file a claim, you can expect to receive some game credits soon. Make sure that the claims administrators know where to find you. [More]
class action settlements

Starkist Class Action Settlement Means Customers Get $25 In Cash Or $50 In Tuna
Two and a half years ago, a man who eats tuna filed a class action lawsuit against Starkist, a tuna company. His allegation was that the company was deliberately under-filling each can by a few tenths of an ounce. That might not make a difference to one consumer making one tuna salad, but would add up over millions of cans. While Starkist doesn’t admit fault, the case has been settled. [More]

Oh Look, It’s My $48 De Beers Class Action Settlement Check
Do you remember May 2008? That’s when we reminded our readers to get their claims in to get their piece of the $135 million class-action settlement against diamond miners, merchants, and pseudo-monopoly holders De Beers. Since then, class members have been waiting for their settlement checks. And waiting. Then waiting some more. [More]

Radio Shack Issues Vouchers After Class Action Settlement, Won’t Let Me Use Them
Diane received a merchandise voucher from Radio Shack as part of a class action settlement. It has the very nice feature of being usable on “any merchandise” in the store, but in this case “any merchandise” means “anything in the store except for that thing you wanted to buy.” [More]

Get $15 In Rice Krispies Cereal Class Action
You don’t have to show a proof of purchase to claim $15 in a class action lawsuit against Kellogg. Just be someone who bought Kellog’s Rice Krispies or Cocoa Krispies between June 1, 2009 and March, 1 2010. [More]

I Got $5 Because I Was Offended By Grand Theft Auto
Reader AZCardinalsRule received a settlement check from the infamous Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas class action suit. [More]

Find Class Action Settlements At
If you want to know about the latest class action settlements as soon as they’re available, check out There’s an infrequently emailed newsletter to keep you posted as the settlements become available for joining, or just bookmark their open settlement page. Once you get over some of the hyperbolic language and unnecessary all-caps, the site is pretty useful because if you’ve ever tried Googling for class actions, there’s tons of crap and scam sites, and it’s nice to have a site with all the information under decent organization.

Settlement In BA-VA Price-Fixing Class Action
You’re entitled to a small refund if you bought tickets for a long haul flight on British Airways or Virgin Atlantic between August 11, 2004 and March 23, 2006. The amount is $7-$34 per flight taken. This is the settlement in a class action lawsuit contending the two airlines colluded to fix the price of fuel surcharges. More info at [via RickSeaney]