
UPDATE: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

UPDATE: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

T’is a pity for the flower of youth to be wrinkled by the radioactive belch of credit card debt. Yesterday, we asked the readers about how college boy L.S. should get out of his $2150 in credit card debt set at exorbitant rates and here’s what we think he should do.

Ask The Consumerists: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

Ask The Consumerists: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

Ah, to be in college again, free of care, living life to the hilt, and mired in thousands of dollars of credit card debt .

After Losing Student’s Money, Citibank Badgers Him

Joseph is an American student stranded in in Germany after his meagre monies just got jacked via a Citibank security breach, one that Citibank would like to blame him for.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 5

Time to Human, Banks, Day 5

Ring ring, Mr. Banker, pick up the phone, we hit the stopwatch and hang up. Here are the results.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 4

Time to Human, Banks, Day 4

Today’s results in our week-long test of how long it takes banks humanoids to pick up the ring ring ring.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

The results of today’s benchmark test to see how long it takes banks’ live humans to pick up the phone.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

We’ll be calling up the banks this week to see who’s the quickest at having a human pick up the phone.

90% of US Account Holders Think Bank Security Sucks

You just know your entire industry is gang raping the pooch when statistics like these are coming out:

Citigroup Gets Around to Addressing PIN Compromises

Citigroup Gets Around to Addressing PIN Compromises

Hey, remember all those debit cards and PINs that got stolen and stuff? Where hackers got into Office Max, made off with debit card accounts and encrypted PIN codes, decrypted the PINs, made counterfeit ATM cards, and withdraw lots of money and large amounts of people were forced to get their ATM card changed without anyone telling them the real reason why? Well, apparently Citigroup remembers too. Eventually.

Citi Thinks Diseases are Comedy Gold

Citi Thinks Diseases are Comedy Gold

The unintentional comedy of the context ad bots strikes again.

Banks Boo Hoo Over SEC Minimum Credit Charge Scheme

Banks Boo Hoo Over SEC Minimum Credit Charge Scheme

The SEC is instituting a new set of guidelines to help get consumers out of debt… and banks and credit card companies aren’t happy about them.

Many More ATM Attacks Forthcoming

Many More ATM Attacks Forthcoming

“The banking industry is less than halfway through this latest scam, which will continue to affect large numbers of cardholders.”

Consumers with Forced Debit Card Reissues Step Forward

Consumers with Forced Debit Card Reissues Step Forward

More signs point to OfficeDepot/OfficeMax and Sam’s Club/Wal-Mart as being the retailers suspected of letting thousands of customer’s debit cards and PINs to be stolen (see ATM Fraud UPDATE: Wal-Mart, OfficeMax, Sam’s Club, Office Depot Suspected).

ATM Fraud UPDATE: Wal-Mart, OfficeMax, Sam’s Club, Office Depot Suspected

ATM Fraud UPDATE: Wal-Mart, OfficeMax, Sam’s Club, Office Depot Suspected

A new article by claims that the Citibank investigation into thousands of stolen debit cards and PINs centers on two 3rd party retailers.

ATM Fraud Update

Ok, so hackers snagged possibly up to six figures of people’s debit card info from an unspecified retailer’s security breach. But who? WHO is the retailer stupid enough to let this happen?

Alert! Citibank Scandal Update: It’s Not Just Citibank…

Alert! Citibank Scandal Update: It’s Not Just Citibank…

Here’s what’s up with the Citibank card scandal. There’s an ATM crime wave. Not just Citibank customers but anyone could be at risk.

Citibank’s Statement on the ATM Crisis

Citibank’s Statement on the ATM Crisis

Citigroup spokesperson Elizabeth Fogarty released the following statement to us regarding the ATM crisis: