Here’s a spoof of Citibank’s hoary “Live Richly” ad campaign, penned by Adfreak’s Tim Nudd.

Massive Citibank Alert: UPDATE
EXCLUSIVE: More dirt on the Citibank ATM failures. What happened after we posed as a concerned customer, as well as secret codes for hassling the Citibank public affairs department after the jump…

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE
Citibank may bee trying to keep this huge scandal so under wraps that they haven’t even disclosed it internally, leaving Citibank workers just as clueless as to why many customers can’t access their accounts in Canada, the UK and Russia. Is there a systemic security breach?
Massive Citibank Fraud Alert
Boing Boing posted a link yesterday to a first-hand account of a massive Citibank fraud crisis which has frozen countless people out of their accounts. No real details on what has actually occurred at Citibank have been given, but a lot of people have been impacted with their Citibank ATM and Credit Cards alike.
What’s Your Favorite Rewards Program?
Reader Rik P. wants to know about your favorite rewards programs:
I think it would be useful to poll folks on how they feel about the various credit card reward programs out there. My girlfriend has been using one of those frequent flyer mile credit cards and has yet to earn anything close to a free trip, despite three years of charging.