
Contact Citibank CEO William Rhodes

Contact Citibank CEO William Rhodes

NY Tel. 212-559-1000

Best Credit Cards For Foreign Travel

Best Credit Cards For Foreign Travel

What credit cards charges the least for overseas purchases?

Citibank's "All-Electronic Program" Sends Paper Notice Stating Account Is Available To View Online

Citibank's "All-Electronic Program" Sends Paper Notice Stating Account Is Available To View Online

After enrolling in Citibank’s “All-Electronic Program,” FiveCentNickel was surprised to find the following notice in his mailbox:

Your Citibank statement is now available at This notification is part of the All-Electronic Program you enrolled in to receive your statements online only instead of in the mail.

How counterintuitive. If Citi needs to send mail, why not send the account statement, rather than a notice that the statement is available online? Better yet, send neither. Or at least change the name to something more accurate, like the “Mostly, But Not Quite All-Electronic Program.” — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Scrounged Up Bank's Fee Schedules

Scrounged Up Bank's Fee Schedules

After more digging, we ferreted out some of those notoriously hard to find bank’s fee schedules. These list all the fees a bank can levy against a consumer’s personal checking or savings account. Most are buried to some extent, limiting consumer’s abilities to shop around.

Reclaim Unnecessary Credit Cards' Unnecessary Foreign Transaction Fees

Reclaim Unnecessary Credit Cards' Unnecessary Foreign Transaction Fees

Several major credit card companies were successfully and recently class-actioned for charging unnecessary fees for overseas transactions.

Universities Settle Allegations Of Citibank Kickbacks For Student Loan Referrals

Universities Settle Allegations Of Citibank Kickbacks For Student Loan Referrals

Eight universities agreed to stop accepting kickbacks from Citibank for private loan referrals, and five agreed to refund a total of $3.27 mil to thousands of students, following an investigation by NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo (pictured).

Debt Collector Verbally Abuses Disabled Elder

Debt Collector Verbally Abuses Disabled Elder

P. writes:

Walkthrough: Citi 0% Balance Transfer

Walkthrough: Citi 0% Balance Transfer

Blueprint For Financial prosperity has a screen by screen walkthrough for initiating a Citibank 0% balance transfer.

Can Banks Please Stock Working Pens?

How is it that banks can move millions of dollars in a second over a bit of metal wire, but can’t stock working pens at the branch?

NYC RFID Subway Turnstiles Spread

NYC RFID Subway Turnstiles Spread

Reduce Credit Card APR: It Never Hurts To Ask

Reduce Credit Card APR: It Never Hurts To Ask

Acambras got her Citibank APR dropped from 13.99% to 2.99% just by asking.

Random Chance In A Godless Universe: Three Good Customer Service Experience

Random Chance In A Godless Universe: Three Good Customer Service Experience

Out Damned Spot! Help A Reader Clean His Citibank Credit

Ben — a man with perfect credit — needs help. Not Ben Popken, editor of this Mickey Mouse pajama publication. Ben A. — one of our most prolific tipsters.

Hedge Fund Notes Disconnect Between Bank Strategy and Execution. Duh.

Hedge Fund Notes Disconnect Between Bank Strategy and Execution. Duh.

Second Curve Capital is a hedge fund, managing hogsheads of cash in long-term investments on the stocks of banks and financial services. Most of the year is spent over ponderous goblets of brandies, smoking fine cigars at financiers’ gentlemen’s clubs, absorbing the exuberance and doldrums of bank CEOs and presidents.

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?


• Freezing Conan O’ Brian? Bad customer service we can understand, Comcast, but that’s just vindictive. [Kevin Green]

Thunder Before The Storm? Another Citibank Account ‘Compromised’

Thunder Before The Storm? Another Citibank Account ‘Compromised’

Buckle yourselves in, boys and girls. Is this email we just received from Kate H. the first rumbling of another massive slate of Citibank security breaches?

Interviewing The Victims Of Identity Theft

Interviewing The Victims Of Identity Theft

The Dayton Daily News has a good article up interviewing the victims of identity theft and describing how their lives have changed because of it. Although we’re all concerned by the murky underworld of Eastern European hackers that prey upon badly secured financial records, the article is a good reminder that most identity theft actually originates with people close to you: friends, relatives and (natch) employees of the very institutions you trust to keep your financial details safe.