Systemax, owner of Tiger Direct, scooped up the remains of Circuit City last year for $14 million, a year after buying CompUSA for $30 million. Now the corporation has opened some new CompUSA stores and is considering doing the same for Circuit City, Chicago Breaking Business News reports: [More]
circuit city resurrection watch

Tell Eerily Resurrected Circuit City To Step Off In One Easy Step
Just like the ending of a horror movie, Circuit City has gone and plunged its soil-covered claw from its grave. Its site may have new owners, but that doesn’t mean it’s lost all of your tasty personal info. Reborn As… Circuit City! is back, and it looks eerily familiar. The zombie website is now controlled by Systemax, the same folks who own Tiger Direct. Though the new site may look similar to the old, no doubt part of Systemax’s goal to keep alive a “proud brand that America has grown to count on,” it isn’t nearly as consumer-friendly as we would like…
Circuit City is dead. Long live Circuit City! is already about to relaunch. They’ll let everyone know via Twitter when they open. No word whether they will actually be distinguishable from TigerDirect.

TigerDirect Parent Company Buys Circuit City Website
Systemax Inc., parent company to discount electronics retailer TigerDirect and the new owner of CompUSA, has purchased Circuit City‘s brand, trademarks and e-commerce business, to the surprise of exactly no one.