It was bound to happen: the first lawsuit has been fired — er, filed against Chipotle in connection with the recent norovirus outbreak that sickened 140 people who ate at one of the chain’s Boston locations. [More]

Chipotle Facing First Lawsuit Linked To Boston Norovirus Outbreak That Sickened 140 People

Chipotle Takes Out A Full-Page Ad To Continue The Apology Parade
Chipotle co-CEO and founder Steve Ells has been riding a great big apology train around the news circuit lately, issuing a mea culpa on TV last week and mentioning again this week how “deeply sorry” he is that the chain has been linked to a nine-state E. coli outbreak that’s sickened more than 50 people and a major norovirus incident in Boston involving 140 students. He’s not done yet, either: the company took out a full-page ad in 61 newspapers around the country on Wednesday to continue apologizing to customers. [More]

Chipotle CEO Promises New Safety Standards Won’t Mean Higher Prices
After Chipotle CEO Steve Ells pledged that new safety standards would be going into effect at the chain’s restaurants across the U.S., promising it would soon be “the safest place to eat,” some customers might have wondered whether the cost of that initiative would hit them right where it hurts most, the wallet. But Ells says customers don’t need to worry about the price of their (hopefully) E. coli-free burritos and tacos going up. [More]

Chipotle Has Been Making Customers Sick Since The Summer, Company Says “There Really Wasn’t A Pattern”
Although Chipotle CEO and co-founder Steve Ells apologized yesterday to customers who have gotten sick from eating at the chain recently — whether from E. Coli or norovirus — it’s worth remembering that there are some folks who’ve had to wait a bit longer for that mea culpa. [More]

Chipotle’s Bad Year Continues With Closure Of Seattle Restaurant For Repeated Violations
Not even two months after Chipotle temporarily closed 43 restaurants in the Pacific Northwest amid an E. coli outbreak that resulted in 52 sick customers in nine states — and the same week that a Boston Chipotle had to be shuttered after being linked to around 80 illnesses — the burrito chain has had to shutter a Seattle eatery after being repeatedly flagged for serious health violations. [More]

Chipotle CEO Apologizes For Making People Sick: “We Are Going To Be The Safest Place To Eat”
After Chipotle customers all over the country have fallen ill from eating at the chain’s restaurants, founder and co-CEO Steve Ells says he’s sorry the restaurant has caused so many to become sick, and promised to implement new food safety guidelines to help prevent such outbreaks from happening in the future. [More]

Boston College Now Reports 120 Students Sick, Possibly From Chipotle (But Not E. Coli)
After another day of student health center admissions and disease incubation, Boston College now reports that 120 of their students are sick with vomiting and nausea. The majority report that they had recently eaten at a Chipotle restaurant near the campus over the weekend, proving either that they contracted the illness there, or that college students are very fond of Chipotle and norovirus happens is very contagious. [More]

UPDATE: Chipotle Closes Boston College Location To Investigate After Nearly 80 Students Become Ill
UPDATE: Health officials Boston College now say that nearly 80 students have become ill after eating at a campus-area Chipotle restaurant that has since been temporarily closed. [More]

Chipotle E. Coli Outbreak Expands To Three More States
Hours after Chipotle said it was bracing for additional illnesses to be linked to an ongoing E. coli outbreak, health officials confirmed that the contamination now spans nine states — three more than previously reported. [More]

Chipotle Bracing For More E. Coli Cases, Revamps Food-Supply Standards
Chipotle is preparing for the worst when it comes to a six-state E. coli outbreak: anticipating that additional cases and more states may enter the contamination fray. [More]

Stock Analysts Believe That Chipotle Sales Will Be Down This Quarter For Some Reason
Are people heading somewhere other than Chipotle when a burrito craving strikes them? Stock analysts think so: while the company won’t release their fourth-quarter sales results for another few months, the after-effects of what is now a six-state E. coli outbreak will keep at least some customers out of restaurants for the immediate future. Especially if the chain and public health officials aren’t able to figure out what caused the outbreak. [More]

Closed Northwestern Chipotle Restaurants Will Start Opening On Wednesday
If you live near in Seattle or Portland and have been pining for a Chipotle burrito since all local restaurants shut down on Halloween due to an E. coli outbreak of undetermined origin, your week and a half of patience has been rewarded. The restaurants are reopening this week. [More]

Chipotle Still Doesn’t Know Which Ingredient Caused E. Coli Contamination In 8 Restaurants
While Chipotle continues to deep-clean its restaurants in the Seattle and Portland metropolitan areas after an E. coli outbreak that has now sickened 39 people, the company and public health authorities are still working to find a common link between what all of the infected people ate. They may never find the exact cause: some foodborne illness outbreaks remain unsolved. [More]

Health Officials Suspect Chipotle E. Coli Outbreak Came From Vegetables
On Halloween, Chipotle closed 43 of their restaurants in Washington state and Oregon, “out of an abundance of caution” after people who had dined at six different Chipotle restaurants showed symptoms of E. coli infection. The restaurants remain closed while Chipotle and public health authorities figure out where the illness came from. Their preliminary declaration is that the bacteria hitched a ride on some vegetables. [More]

43 Chipotle Restaurants In Oregon And Washington State Close Due To E. Coli Outbreak
There’s a promotion at Chipotle tonight where people who wear costumes that include something extra, or a scary “unnecessary additive,” get burritos for $3. Yet restaurants in two states have closed today “out of an abundance of caution” because of something even scarier: an apparent outbreak of Shiga toxin E. coli in recent weeks at six restaurants in Oregon and Washington. [More]

Rejoice, Pork Lovers: Chipotle Says 90% Of Restaurants Now Serving Carnitas
Sound the pork bell and toot the meat horn: if you’re a fan of pork in your tacos and burritos, you’ll be glad to hear that Chipotle is declaring an impending end to the carnitas shortage that started back in January. The other white meat is now available at 90% of its 1,500 restaurants, the chain announced today. [More]

Recent Salmonella Outbreak In Minnesota Linked To Tomatoes Served At 22 Chipotle Locations
A recent salmonella outbreak in Minnesota that’s sickened 64 people and hospitalized nine has now been traced back to tomatoes that were served at 22 Chipotle restaurants in the state, prompting the chain to switch tomato suppliers. [More]

Salmonella Outbreak In Minnesota Linked To At Least 17 Chipotle Restaurants
A salmonella outbreak in Minnesota that’s sickened 45 people and sent five to the hospital has been linked to at least 17 Chipotle restaurants, say investigators with the state’s Department of Health. Officials believe that the contaminated ingredient has already been removed from all Chipotle restaurants in Minnesota. [More]