

Chipotle’s so-popular-they-had-to-discontinue-it iPhone app has been redesigned and is available for free at the iTunes store. What does this miracle software do? Well, it locates the nearest Chipotle, then lets you build your burrito, taco, whatever, add special instructions, and pay for your order. You can also save your favorites so you don’t have to build the burrito each time. Fatness, here we come. [Gizmodo]

No Free Burritos From Chipotle On Tax Day, Again

No Free Burritos From Chipotle On Tax Day, Again

Once upon a time, Chipotle used to give out free burritos on Tax Day — or so the story goes. Still, some people never forget.

Top 10 Fast Food Chains In Customer Satisfaction

Top 10 Fast Food Chains In Customer Satisfaction

Mmm, how satisfying. A recent survey by Sandelman & Associates, a market research and consumer-trends firm, shows that customers mostly prefer regional or smaller national fast food and chain restaurants to gigantic soul-destroying megafood joints like McDonald’s.

Behold The Shocking Popularity Of Chipotle's Burrito-Ordering iPhone App

Behold The Shocking Popularity Of Chipotle's Burrito-Ordering iPhone App

Yesterday, a magical new application appeared in the iPhone App Store. What did it do? Well, it allowed you to order burritos from Chipotle (for pick-up). From your iPhone.

Chipotle Closes For Hepatitis A Outbreak, Have A Coupon!

Chipotle Closes For Hepatitis A Outbreak, Have A Coupon!

An anonymous tipster wrote to us about how Chipotle, known for their delicious, healthy burritos, handled a Hepatitis A outbreak at his neighborhood store. This might be the one case of a corporation giving you something for free, and it not making the situation any better. Read his letter, inside.

Chipotle Offers Excellent Customer Service Along With Free Burrito

Chipotle Offers Excellent Customer Service Along With Free Burrito

Every Halloween folks from all over this great nation of ours put tin foil on their heads and go to Chipotle for a free burrito. The conceit is that you are “dressed like a burrito” for Halloween, but the good folks at Chipotle don’t really care if your costume required things like “skill” or “effort.” They just fork over the free burrito if they see tin foil. Bless them.

Meet Your Meat: Chipotle Distributes Photos Of Farms That Supply Their Restaurants

Meet Your Meat: Chipotle Distributes Photos Of Farms That Supply Their Restaurants

An angry reader wrote us yesterday asking if the photos he’s been finding in his bag along with his Chipotle veggie burrito were legit. Matt wrote:

Last time I got the pigs out on the plains of super green grass (Grass won’t last more than a day under pigs). Today was a lone adult chicken in an otherwise empty commercial coop, perfectly clean bird, on a perfectly clean floor. I know for fact chickens don’t get moved from the time they are chicks, until the vacuum machine comes to box them for transport to the slaughter house. So where is all the bird shit and carcasses that succumbed to walking on the ammonia soaked floor?

Secret Menu Items Confirmed With Undercover Investigative Journalism

Secret Menu Items Confirmed With Undercover Investigative Journalism

A reporter at the Arizona Daily Star decided to put our little Secret Menu Items post to the test by ordering the items at some of our nations finest fast food eating establishments.

The Really Big Guide To Secret Menu Items

The Really Big Guide To Secret Menu Items

UPDATE: We’re looking to update this list. Click here to help! [More]

Guide to Secret "Off The Menu" Items/ Call for Entries

Guide to Secret "Off The Menu" Items/ Call for Entries

We’ve been hearing rumblings of secret menu-items at various restaurants and fast food places. Here’s a round up of the most interesting ones:

Get A Free Chipotle Burrito By Dressing Like One

Get A Free Chipotle Burrito By Dressing Like One

Chipotle Serves Man With Broken Pinata of a Burrito

Chipotle Serves Man With Broken Pinata of a Burrito

Daniel reports receiving a very flawed Chipotle burrito for lunch today. The preparers failed to strain the liquid in his salsa, causing his burrito to ‘flood.’ Despite ‘visual communication of disappointment,’ the handlers sent it for wrapping.