
Holiday Savings: Alternative Gift Wrap

Holiday Savings: Alternative Gift Wrap

We hate buying wrapping paper. Hate. We even hate saving those gift bags, although that’s a nice way to save money and be lazy at the same time. DIY site Curbly has a list of ideas, some of which will save you money (newspaper) and some that won’t (aluminum foil).

Dumpsterdive Like A Pro

There’s nothing cheaper than free and there’s nothing more free than trash. And like the saying goes, one man’s trash is another’s totally sweet HeMan metal lunchbox.

Nine Dollar Mp3 Player

Nine Dollar Mp3 Player

Forget going Zen or joining the iGod army, here’s an mp3 player for nine bucks. No screen, but it supports USB 2.0 and 1 gig SD. Start a cult of one and put the remainder of your pod savings in the collections basket.