
Hedge Fund Notes Disconnect Between Bank Strategy and Execution. Duh.

Hedge Fund Notes Disconnect Between Bank Strategy and Execution. Duh.

Second Curve Capital is a hedge fund, managing hogsheads of cash in long-term investments on the stocks of banks and financial services. Most of the year is spent over ponderous goblets of brandies, smoking fine cigars at financiers’ gentlemen’s clubs, absorbing the exuberance and doldrums of bank CEOs and presidents.

New Chase Debit Card Still Lets Vonage Screw Customer on Old Card

New Chase Debit Card Still Lets Vonage Screw Customer on Old Card

You would think that after Chase goes through the trouble of reissuing new Visa debit cards to replace its MasterCards, they might also take the precaution of deactivating the old card when the new one is activated. Not so, Disappointed in NYC writes. When our reader tried to cancel Vonage, they wanted to charge a cancellation fee. He refused but they still charged his old Chase Mastercard. Chase CSR said the Vonage charge went through but nothing else would.

UPDATE: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

UPDATE: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

T’is a pity for the flower of youth to be wrinkled by the radioactive belch of credit card debt. Yesterday, we asked the readers about how college boy L.S. should get out of his $2150 in credit card debt set at exorbitant rates and here’s what we think he should do.

Ask The Consumerists: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

Ask The Consumerists: Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

Ah, to be in college again, free of care, living life to the hilt, and mired in thousands of dollars of credit card debt .

Time to Human, Banks, Day 5

Time to Human, Banks, Day 5

Ring ring, Mr. Banker, pick up the phone, we hit the stopwatch and hang up. Here are the results.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 4

Time to Human, Banks, Day 4

Today’s results in our week-long test of how long it takes banks humanoids to pick up the ring ring ring.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

The results of today’s benchmark test to see how long it takes banks’ live humans to pick up the phone.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

We’ll be calling up the banks this week to see who’s the quickest at having a human pick up the phone.

University of Phoenix and Chase/Bank One Lose $828

What do you do when the University of Phoenix, your credit card company, and now-conjoined entity of Chase/Bank One can’t figure out where your $828 tuition refund went? We have no idea, and neither does reader Stefan M. But writing us is probably a pretty decent start.

UPDATE: Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun For Customers

Earlier, Sharon complained how the BankOne/Chase merger messed up her online banking. Despite several calls to the customer service, she was unable to fix her problem.

Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun for Customers

This week, Chase and Bank One merged their on-line systems. Birds shivered with glee. Stroboscopic dew drops danced on kittens claws in exultation. And Bank One customers got jacked like a cheap trick on Colfax Ave.

Chase Chased: We Only Give You Your Money Because Uncle Sam Says We Have To

Reader Michael D. saw the post yesterday about Chase’s deposit weirdness, where they hold onto your money from big deposits for days and then eke it out bit by bit unless you fill out special forms. Michael decided to ask Chase why they were so retarded, and if their parents really told them paint chips were wall candy.

Consumers Speak: Chase Holds Deposits Unless ‘Special Forms’ Used

Crispin B writes:

I’ve been with Chase for a long time. I have money from the dot-com days. I’ve run a lot of that money through them – at one point just over a million dollars following the sale of my home. Did that earn me any respect? No. They treat me just like I was back in college, living from paycheck to paycheck. They’ve nickel-and-dimed me the whole time. Charges for this, charges for that, all the while providing me with piddling interest rates and crap customer service.

Consumerites Speak: Is Chase Erasing Online Banking Data?

Reader Gaby writes:

[’s Business Online Banking] Keeps losing User Permissions settings. Daily. Administrator has to go to Chase online banking to set users access permissions (to view, or transact, and transact levels etc) for the various accounts. With many accounts and many users that’s probably 50 clicks to set permissions. Save them, do something, come back and hey presto, no one can see anything anymore. Repeat process above. Cry. Scream. Do it again. And again.