Sure, forgetting a few pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters might not seem like a lot to leave behind when dashing through airport security, but it adds up. To that end, the Transportation Security Administration says it once again collected a record number of change last year. [More]

After Worker Backlash, Instacart Decides To Not Get Rid Of Tips
A day after we told you about workers’ unhappy response to Instacart’s plan to do away with tips and replace them with a “service amount,” the online grocery delivery service has decided to keep the tip option open. [More]

Instacart Shoppers Say Getting Rid Of Tips Will Ultimately Hurt Customers
Last month, thousands of Instacart shoppers and drivers — the people who get paid to collect and then drop off grocery orders for customers of the online service — were notified that they would soon be seeing a difference in their paychecks as the company overhauled its tipping and scheduling policies. This announcement hasn’t exactly gone over swimmingly, and now several Instacart workers are telling Consumerist why they have misgivings about the change. [More]

TSA Updates Screening Procedure, Will Mandate Some Passengers Use Full-Body Scanners
Going through airport security is about to get a bit different for some passengers: the Transportation Security Administration can now require some travelers to go through body scanners even if the person asks to get a full-body pat-down instead. [More]

All Major U.S. Airlines Offer Free Cancellations Within 24 Hours, Except One
Update: In March 2016, American announced that it was phasing out the hold option and transitioning to the 24-hour cancellation window option.
Even the most prepared traveler occasionally has to change their itinerary for unforeseen circumstances. While dealing with airlines to make a simple change can be both a test of your patience and a drain on your bank account, if you catch the issue soon enough you might save hundreds of dollars in change fees. That’s thanks, in part, to Department of Transportation rules that allow a ticket to be held at the same price for 24 hours before purchase or canceled within 24 hours after purchase — most of the time. [More]

Town Institutes Limits On Coin Payments After Woman Pays $200 Sewer Bill With Change
There is only one thing that happens when someone gets an affirmative reply to the question, “Do you accept change for payments?” You can be pretty darn sure the answer will be met with a whole lot of coins getting dumped on the counter, something one town wasn’t ready to deal with when a resident paid her $200 sewer bill almost entirely in loose coins. [More]

Do You Know People Who Throw Away Change Instead Of Saving It?
A (presumably) sarcastic comment on Vanguard’s Facebook page about throwing away change instead of saving it has started something of a debate over on reddit. The question? Are there, in fact, people who really throw away their change rather than save it in a jar? Could this be true? Or is everyone being sarcastic and messing with us? [More]

U.S. Mint Redesigns Penny
Here’s the new design for the back of the 2010 penny. Instead of the Lincoln Memorial there’s now a shield, or maybe a tiny badge that you can flash whenever you want to announce, “I have jurisdiction over your pocket change.” No, I’m pretty sure it’s a shield. [More]

How Much Change Can You Find On The Ground? Over $1,000
Do you stop and pick up change that you find on the ground? No? Well, if you did — how much money do you think you could collect? Marketplace Money talked to some people who make change hunting a hobby — and they say every penny is worth stopping for.

Michael's: "It's Store Policy Not To Accept Change"
Hayden wanted to buy a $4 wood plaque for his mother as part of a last-minute birthday gift, but Michael’s wouldn’t accept 16 quarters as payment. “It’s store policy not to accept change,” a cashier explained, forcing an embarrassed Hayden to borrow a few bucks from his younger sister.

Citi Announces One Of Its 'Bold Steps': Stricter Rules On Student Loans
Two readers have forwarded us a second email sent out by Citibank today, but it’s not another vaguely worded PR blast from the CEO. Instead, this one announces that Citibank is adopting the zero-tolerance approach to late payments favored by the credit card industry—miss a payment due date and you’ll lose any interest rate discount(s) you currently enjoy.

Dear Wachovia, My 78¢ Balance Is Not Your Take A Penny Tray
Two readers wrote in with similar complaints: each had left a small overpayment on his credit account, and instead of leaving the balance or issuing a check, the bank zeroed out the balance and pocketed the money. Apparently, banks are now treating small balances like tips.

Why Do You Hate The Dollar Coin?
Our beloved U.S. Mint has apparently redesigned the dollar coin to feature a rotating slate of Presidents. Each President gets a three-month stint on the coin. On Thursday, James Madison, our 4th Chief Executive, took his rightful place on the golden slab – but nobody seemed to care. Why?

AMC Theaters "Doesn't Carry Nickels?"
Reader Anthony says he paid for his movie ticket with “$8 and some change.” The transaction resulted in AMC owing Anthony a nickel.
Target Worker: You Can't Pay With Change
According to one Target employee, Target doesn’t accept “just change.” You must have bills, or you do not get your stuff. Reader Mike went to Target with a bunch of change in his pocket. He didn’t feel like using an ATM, and the item he was at Target to purchase cost less than 5 dollars, so he figured he would pay with change. He figured wrong.
Coinstar’s $2.49 Check Comes Through!
Sweet sweet resolution. Karen griped about Coinstar jacking her for $2.49, a Coinstar rep wrote in wanting to help, and now Karen sends this love note:
Coinstar Wants To Give Karen Her $2.94 Back!
When Karen griped about Coinstar, I came clean: I love those guys. Without the chipper green Coinstar machine at my local Stop ‘N’ Shop, I never would have managed to keep my brain pickled with booze through pretending to earn a philosophy degree at a major ivy league school. Any service that allows me to empty the contents of my vacuum cleaner bag into a slot and walk away with cold, hard cash gets kudos from me.