His extreme orangeness, former CEO and founder of Countrywide Home Loans Angelo Mozilo, is about to be slapped with civil fraud charges, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Don't You Wish You Made $1 A Year Like AIG's CEO?
The NYT DealBook Blog says that AIG’s $1 interim CEO is living pretty well, despite the whole “being hated for something you didn’t do” thing.

Bank Of America CEO Fired As Chairman
Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis has been sh*tcanned from the chairman position, but will remain CEO, says the NYT. Calls for Lewis to resign in shame and go cry alone with his money have been getting louder over the past few months.

Thain's $35,000 Commode On Legs Actually Chest Of Drawers
Regarding the $35,000 “commode on legs” ex-Merrill-Lynch CEO John Thain bought for his office, commenter VikramJaffe informs me that it is not as I theorized, a claw-footed toilet, but rather a chest of drawers on legs introduced by the French in the early 18th century. Too bad no one informed me of the distinction before I took a crap in it.

Merrill Lynch CEO Spent $1,220,000 On Office Renovation As Company Prepared To Burn
Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain spent over $1.22 million to renovate his office in early 2008, just as his firm was getting ready to slash thousands of jobs, cut back on spending and dump businesses. Here’s this douchebag’s big-ticket tally of personal aggrandizement in the midst of financial crisis:

Hey Look, It's Contact Info For Walmart's CEO
A very nice anonymous reader just sent us contact info for Michael Duke, the new CEO of Walmart (as of February 1st, 2009). Please use it wisely.
Borders’ has fired their CEO and replaced him with an Amazon Kindle. Ok, not really. They’ve replaced him with “Ron Marshall, a private equity executive with experience turning around ailing companies.” Good luck, Ron. Remember, reading is FUNdamental! [NYT]
The New York Times has an article discussing Congressional proposals to limit executive pay. Although the financial industry may deserve a pay cap, the author argues, other industries would be harmed by a cap.

Readdress your gripes! Walmart will have a new CEO, Mike Duke, starting Feb. 1. [CNNMoney]

Fifteen Shocking CEO Severances
Here’s another tip for our Make the Most of Unemployment guide: if you’re going to get fired, be a CEO. HR World has rounded up 15 of the most shocking golden parachutes given out by big corporations to their departing leaders. Some of our favorites, inside.
This Week In Executive Compensation: $12.2 Million For Mattel's Conniver-In-Chief
Let’s say you run a toy company. Your retarding poison toys earn you a well-deserved public flogging, which you escape by scapegoating Chinese workers. The media doesn’t realize, until it’s too late, that the real culprits are the dangerous domestic designers you employ. Sales inch up marginally. Do you deserve $12.2 million, a 68% raise? Mattel’s Board of Directors thinks so!
Pass the hat around, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts is only going to make $20.8 million this year. [Philadelphia Inquirer]

An Interview With Sprint CEO Dan Hesse About Customer Service At Sprint
The author of the BuisnessWeek article “Sprint’s Wake-Up Call”, Spencer Ante, has posted his entire interview with Sprint’s new CEO, Dan “At Least I’m Not Gary Forsee” Hesse.

Walmart Is Starting To Worry
“I feel we are well positioned for an economic downturn,” Scott said. “Our low prices and low-cost business model should give us an advantage over other retailers if things get more difficult for consumers.”

3 Reasons Why It's Better To Be A Fired Sears CEO Than It Is To Be You
Bad at your job? So was Aylwin B. Lewis, president and chief executive of Sears Holdings Corp..