

Congresswoman To Introduce Bill To Make Cellphone Unlocking Legal Again

Just days after both the White House and the Federal Communications Commission expressed concerns about the Librarian of Congress’ decision to make it illegal for consumers to unlock their own cellphones, a U.S. Representative from California says she intends to introduce legislate to right this wrong. [More]


After Today, You’ll Need Your Wireless Provider’s Permission To Unlock New Cellphones

For years, you have been able to just unlock your cellphones and take them from your old carrier to one with a compatible network. But starting this weekend, anyone who unlocks a new phone without getting the permission of their current wireless carrier will be violating the law. [More]

(Ninja M.)

Former Asurion Staffer Shares Insider Tips On Making Cellphone Insurance Claims

Anyone who has seen our numerous stories about readers dealing with Asurion, the insurance provider for an awful lot of wireless companies, knows that it might not always be the most pleasant experience. Now, a former front-line customer service rep at Asurion has written in to shed some light on what CSRs can and can’t do, and the best (and worst) ways to file your claim. [More]


Study Begs The Question: If You Love Your Phone So Much, Why Don’t Ya Marry It?

We already know there’s a name for that intense anxiety you might feel at being separated from your cellphone (where are my fellow nomophobics at?) but how many of actually admit we love our phones with true, shameless burning affection? A new study from Pew says if you adore your phone but feel a little weird about that, you’re not alone. [More]


If Going Without Your Phone Makes You Want To Flip Out, You Might Be Nomophobic

Where is your cell phone right now? Is it right next to you? On the desk? In the other room? Where is it?!?!? If you find yourself mildly freaking out when you’re not near your phone, you might have nomophobia, otherwise known as the fear of losing or being unable to use a cellphone. Just another condition they didn’t have to deal with way back in yore. [More]

Sprint Sets Nextel Execution Date: June 30, 2013

Sprint Sets Nextel Execution Date: June 30, 2013

Remember 2004-2005? Let’s go back there now… Remember… back when people still thought Revenge of the Sith was going to redeem the prequels… Ok, let’s not remember, it’s too painful. Anyway, in late 2004, Sprint and Nextel announced a “merger of equals.” And now, after billions of dollars in mistakes, they’ve finally announced that Nextel will officially die on June 30, 2013. What does this mean for Nextel customers? Yes, apparently they still exist! [More]

Don't Leave Your Phone In The Airplane Bathroom Or Someone Will Think It's A Bomb

Don't Leave Your Phone In The Airplane Bathroom Or Someone Will Think It's A Bomb

There once was a time when the worst thing that could happen if you accidentally left your phone in an airplane bathroom was that it might be stolen by a sticky-fingered passenger or crew member. But now, a phone in the loo could be a bomb, which means your plane is making an emergency landing and everyone on board will arrive late to their destination. [More]

Man Without Cellphone Ticketed For Talking On Cellphone While Driving

Man Without Cellphone Ticketed For Talking On Cellphone While Driving

We don’t have a problem with police officers enforcing laws that prohibit people from driving and talking on their cellphones at the same time. Where we draw the line is at the application of this law to a man who didn’t even have a cellphone in the car with him. [More]

FCC Reminds Everyone That Cellphone Jamming & Jamming Devices Are Illegal

FCC Reminds Everyone That Cellphone Jamming & Jamming Devices Are Illegal

Even while the Federal Communications Commission is asking for comments on the temporary blocking or disabling of wireless signals by law enforcement, it wants to stress to everyone that there is no legal gray area when it comes to cellphone jamming and jamming devices. [More]

What Can Cops Look At On Your Phone Without A Warrant?

What Can Cops Look At On Your Phone Without A Warrant?

Ten years ago, most of us had little more on our mobile phones than other phone numbers. Then cames texts, photos, video, web pages, passwords, credit card info, and most importantly Sudoku scores. But how much of that should be readily available to police if you are believed to have run afoul of the law? [More]

Is The Philly Cellphone Jammer A Hero Or A Jerk?

Is The Philly Cellphone Jammer A Hero Or A Jerk?

A man in Philadelphia decided he’d had enough with listening to his fellow bus passengers blab away on their cellphones. But instead of buying himself some noise-cancelling headphones or politely asking people to pipe down, he chose to fight back with a handheld device that jams their signals. [More]

NTSB: You Shouldn't Be Using Your Cell Phone While Driving, Even Hands-Free

NTSB: You Shouldn't Be Using Your Cell Phone While Driving, Even Hands-Free

The day could be coming when it would be illegal for that girl yapping on her headset in the lane next to you on the freeway to be yapping at all, even on a hands-free cell phone. The National Transportation Board said states should ban all cell phone use for drivers [More]

Malls Cancel Plans To Track Shoppers' Movements Via Cellphone

Malls Cancel Plans To Track Shoppers' Movements Via Cellphone

Remember how two malls annoyed more than a few people by announcing that they would be tracking shoppers’ movements via their cellphone signals? Yeah, well that’s no longer happening — at least for now. [More]

Malls To Track Shoppers' Movements Via Cellphone Signals This Holiday Season

Malls To Track Shoppers' Movements Via Cellphone Signals This Holiday Season

Because you as a shopper are nothing but a lab rat to be tracked, measured, quantified and dissected so that retailers can market to you in a more efficient manner, at least two malls will be using shoppers’ cellphone signals to map out their routes from Sbarro to the Spencer Gifts to Chess King (okay okay… so I haven’t been to the mall in a while). [More]

Reader Gets AT&T To Admit It's Their Towers That Suck, Not The iPhone

Reader Gets AT&T To Admit It's Their Towers That Suck, Not The iPhone

Melissa couldn’t get any reception around her home on her iPhone, despite living only 25 miles from downtown Chicago. Zero bars. It wasn’t just annoying to always miss calls, it was also damaging her rental business. But thanks to a detailed, and snarky, email to the CEO of AT&T, she was able to get the wireless provider to reset its towers and fix the service around her house. [More]

Verizon Class Action Settlement: Get Refunds For Accidentally Pressing "Get It Now" Button

Verizon Class Action Settlement: Get Refunds For Accidentally Pressing "Get It Now" Button

If Verizon “erroneously” charged you for accidentally pressing the “Get it Now” or “Mobile Web” buttons on your phone, you can file for a refund, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

Verizon To Offer "Turbo" Button To Users To Speed Up Apps, For A Price

Verizon To Offer "Turbo" Button To Users To Speed Up Apps, For A Price

App on your Verizon phone going too slow? Just press the “turbo” button and get a temporary speed boost for $.99. That’s the idea behind a new feature Verizon will be releasing to software developers in 2012. [More]

What's Worse Than Missing A Cool Text? How About Involuntary Manslaughter?

What's Worse Than Missing A Cool Text? How About Involuntary Manslaughter?

Pull over if you’re driving and need to respond to or send a text message. Otherwise, that witty reply can wait. Because death won’t. [More]