cell phones

LetsTalk Triples Price Of Phone, Won't Refund Difference

LetsTalk Triples Price Of Phone, Won't Refund Difference

Reader Brandon writes in to share a painful story of shoddy customer service and questionable pricing policies with LetsTalk, an online mobile phone and plan retailer. After ordering a $99 phone with a $100 mail in rebate, the order was delayed, then changed to add a free car charger to apologize for the delay (so far so good), then changed again without notice to $299 with a $200 mail in rebate. After calling to dispute the charges, he was promised the price would be changed back to its original amount—but the next day it was shipped out and his account was charged for $299.

New Legislation Would Limit Wireless Contract Termination Penalties

New Legislation Would Limit Wireless Contract Termination Penalties

Two advocacy groups, the Consumer Federation of America and the Consumers Unions, endorsed a bill yesterday that would limit the amount that wireless, cable, and telephone companies could charge customers for early cancellation of their contract. Specifically, it would require companies to waive cancellation fees for the first 30 days, and pro-rate any fees after the first 30 days (something Verizon already does, but no other mobile carrier that we know of).

The Rip-Off Industry Of Customized Ringtones

The Rip-Off Industry Of Customized Ringtones

In today’s Circuits column, tech columnist David Pogue asks an important question about the $5 billion ringtone industry for mobile phones: why does it exist at all? Apple’s latest moneymaker for itself and the labels is the ability for you to re-purchase certain songs you’ve already purchased, so that you can load them onto your phone as ringtones. But before you marvel at Apple’s chutzpah, they’re actually charging less per ringtone than major carriers like T-Mobile, Sprint, or Verizon.

Cell Phones: Prepaid Or Calling Plan?

With the shenanigans that go on with automatic billing, I have been giving serious thought to switching to a prepaid model with as many services as possible. The most obvious place to start would be my cell phone, so I looked carefully at what it would cost to switch to a prepaid model with T-Mobile.

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep

T-Mobile doesn’t want to be left out of the fun! One of their sales reps has generously and selflessly written down his innermost thoughts and sent them to the Consumerist for your personal edification. Bask in the glory of Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep…

Move Your Cell Phone To Nevada For Tax Purposes

Move Your Cell Phone To Nevada For Tax Purposes

Apparently, Verizon ties 3 addresses to your account which can all be different. There’s your BILLING address, YOUR address and your CELLPHONE’S address. The tax rate is tied to where your CELLPHONE resides which can be completely arbitrary for all they care.

Cingular: Whoops, Here's Your $8,677.29 Cell Phone Bill

Cingular: Whoops, Here's Your $8,677.29 Cell Phone Bill

Poor Eddie. Eddie canceled his unlimited internet plan, then decided that not having the internet was completely lame, so he called up and added it again. Unfortunately for Eddie, Cingular didn’t put him on the same plan he used to be on. Eddie writes:

My current cell phone bill is $8,677.29. I had Cingular since 2003. In November of 2006 I purchased the Cingular 8125 Pocket PC. I loved it. I had a cell phone that could access the internet and my bills were about $100 a month. After 2 months I cancelled the internet option because I wanted a smaller cell phone bill. After about 3 weeks of not having my internet I requested that they turned it back on. They did.

8 Confessions Of A Former Verizon Sales Rep

8 Confessions Of A Former Verizon Sales Rep

7 Confessions of a Cingular Sales Rep

Canceling A Virgin Mobile Account is Extremely Difficult

Did I want to Top Up? Did I want to Upgrade My Account? Did I want to Buy An Amazing New Phone? No, no, no. I wanted to get rid of my old and mediocre phone and wash my hands of my old account. JUST LET ME OUT! my mind (and occasionally my mouth) screamed. I WANT THE NO HASSLE NO CONTRACT PART. By that point I would’ve rather paid a cancellation fee. Any supposed benefits to “no commitment” phones were mercilessly mocking me.

Bank of America To Begin Cell Phone Banking

Bank of America To Begin Cell Phone Banking

Bank of America Introduces Leading-Edge Mobile Banking for More Than 21 Million Online Banking Customers (Press Release) [PRNewswire]

Remove Cell Phone Logos With Sugar?

Remove Cell Phone Logos With Sugar?

We haven’t tried this, but if you’re sick of having a logo on your cell phone, you can try to remove it with sugar. Warning: You might mess up your phone. That being said, go for it. They don’t own you! From Instructables:

The key is to scratch of the logo without leaving and marks on the surface of the phone (in my case PDA). Sugar works perfectly.


UPDATE: Free Cingular With iPhone Rumor Is “Hooey”

Eric Savitz at Barron’s took a look through the transcripts of the call that CNBC’s Jim Cramer claimed contained a vow by Cingular to offer free service for 18 months to Verizon customers who switched for the iPhone. What did he find? Nothing. Zip.

Cell Phone Use Linked To Brain Tumors

    Long-term (10+ years) cellphone use has been linked with brain tumors. According to the study, people who had used cellphones for more than 10 years had a 40 percent higher chance than others of developing certain brain tumors. This news comes to us from the same British researcher who said that more research was needed to determine if there actually is a relationship between (long-term) cellphone use and cancer.

Rumor: Cingular To Give Away 18 Months of Service With Purchase Of iPhone

We’re not really buying this one, but apparently Jim Cramer, former hedge fund manager, director of TheStreet.com and host of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” is telling people that Cingular will give away 18 months of service with purchase of an iPhone.

Cingular Adds 2.4 Million New Customers

Cingular Adds 2.4 Million New Customers

Profit rose to $782 million from $204 million a year earlier. Revenue rose 10.2 percent to $9.8 billion.

Run! AT&T is taking over.

Illinois Attorney General Sues Cell Phone Txt Msg Spammers

Blackston said the defendants haven’t been served, and she couldn’t predict how much money the state might collect.

Cell Phones: The Ads Are Coming

Cell Phones: The Ads Are Coming

    Cellular phone carriers like Verizon, Sprint and Cingular, now the new AT&T, are beginning to test and roll out advertising on mobile phone screens, and by next year, cellphone advertising is likely to be more common.

NYC: 911 to Accept Digital Images From Cell Phones

NYC: 911 to Accept Digital Images From Cell Phones

We’re all Batman now. —MEGHANN MARCO