The table-waiting, breadstick-hoarding board of directors over at Darden, parent company of Olive Garden, has some more extremely practical advice for its restaurants on the ground: they need to shampoo their carpets less. This is an example of an actual cost-saving measure proposed by the company’s CEO. [More]

My Dyson Vacuum Cleaned My Carpet, Then Shredded It
Consumer reactions to Dyson vacuum cleaners reminds me at times of reactions to Apple computers. (Remember that? When Apple only made computers?) Fans rave about the vacs, can’t imagine life without them, and claim they’re worth every penny. Detractors grouse about the prices and claim they’re equal to or even worse than similar but much cheaper competitors. R. is now a Dyson detractor, but only after buying one and having it break. Now he says that his carpet is wrecked and he has a useless $600 vacuum cleaner. [More]
20 different ways to make good use of carpet remnants. We like the idea of having them in the car for throwing under the tires in case of too much mud or snow. [Frugal For Life]