It’s a great accomplishment of modern logistics and technology that we’re able to order a case of toilet paper once have new ones magically re-appear on our doorsteps every few months, but the amazing convenience of shopping online has a cost in addition to credit card bills. Shopping online means cardboard boxes, plastic wrap, and other protective packaging is used once and then thrown away, and delivery trucks visit individual houses instead of malls. [More]

Priced To Move: Cardboard Boxes Are About To Get Cheaper
If you’re getting ready to move soon or have a bunch of stuff you need to ship to Siberia, you’ll be glad to know that cardboard boxes are likely about to be cheaper than usual. [More]

California Authorities Stepping Up Efforts To Combat Cardboard Thefts
While you’ve heard of people swiping copper pipes or hauling away scrap metal to trade it in for cold hard cash, perhaps not so familiar to many is the crime of stealing cardboard set out for recycling and trash collectors. In California, authorities are now trying to cut down on the thefts, which could end up costing residents and shopkeepers by way of higher collection rates. [More]

Equipment Catches Fire At Amazon Warehouse, Your Stuff Is Fine
In the early hours of Saturday morning, there was a fire at the fulfillment center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Warehouse workers and the local fire department were able to contain the fire, no one was injured, and none of your stuff that you haven’t ordered yet was damaged. [More]

Meet The Disposable, Recyclable, Reusable Cardboard Shopping Cart
One great thing about living in a city like New York: Being able to buy just about anything you need. The problem: Getting the things you buy back home. That’s why a designer in the UK has come up with a cart constructed completely out of cardboard that could allow you to wheel your purchases down the street and onto the bus or train. [More]

Make Your Own Toy Kitchen
It’s your kid—you should get to decide what kinds of choking and lead poisoning hazards make up its playthings. One woman clearly didn’t need any Fisher-Price plastic toy kitchen ruining her white-on-white aesthetic, so she made her own entirely out of found corrugated cardboard, contact paper, and a few household items. And if you don’t feel you have the skills to replicate it by looking at the photographs, then she’ll sell you a copy of the plans for $7.

Reporter Arrested For Faking Cardboard Bun Story
Chinese authorities have arrested a Beijing TV reporter for “faking” the cardboard bun story, according to the AP. The report by Beijing TV claimed that an unlicensed snack vendor had been serving buns filled with cardboard softened with caustic soda and flavored with pork.
TPM’s Collection of Ikea Woes
We’ll cop to sort of being taken aback by Ikea, as our first experience with the Scandinavian furniture superstore was just a couple years ago. We’re still somewhat in shock at how much appearance of good furniture one can get for such a small amount of money. Plus, as we are legally required to mention, meatballs.