A Texas woman who took her car to her local Walmart’s service center for a routine oil change says a technician totaled the vehicle and now the company isn’t offering her a fair settlement, leaving her stranded and her business suffering. [More]

Payment Late? Lenders Can Remotely Disable Your Car
Repossessing cars is so old-fashioned. All that driving, locating people’s houses, towing the cars away… with the mess credit markets are currently in, who has time for that? Car lenders don’t.

A $2,000 Car! Tata Motors announced that it will begin accepting orders for its $1,980 Nano “people’s car” on April 9th. (No relation to the Apple iPod Nano.) Too bad it’s only available in India. [Consumer Reports]

Progressive Has No Notion of Christmas Spirit, Announces Yule-tide Rate Increase
According to an Email received by reader Jessica, Progressive Auto Insurance is increasing rates for New York Customers by nearly 20%. And the best time to announce this? Christmas day, of course!

Buying a Car and Getting Away With It
Inspired by our post “HOW TO: Buy A Car Without Putting A Shotgun In Your Mouth,” M. writes in a story about navigating the tricky world of car financing.
The Greatest Car Salesman You’ve Never Heard Of
Not sure what in the heyhoo is going on here but this appears to be 1970s gag reel ad attacking car dealer Ralph Williams for “raping San Francisco out of every dollar.” Funny! NSFW, for adult language and situation insinuations. [More]

The Case of the Slightly Different Silver BMW Wheel
As far as the finished product is concerned, The Consumerist is a big fan of BMWs. Sure, there are the occasional hare-brained mistakes like iDrive, but even those missteps seem to be born of an attempt to improve the driving experience. Plus their cars go really fast around corners, our favorite variety of road.