While many of us have probably passed a car missing a part here and there, it’s very unlikely you just so happened to have the right piece to make the owner’s life a little bit easier and decided to it fix up on the spot. But that’s exactly what happened to the owner of a car with only three hubcaps who suddenly found his vehicle had a complete set. [More]
car repairs

Why Did You Ditch Your Old Car Repair Shop?
As has been demonstrated in episodes of both Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, the relationship between car owner and car repair shop can be all-too-similar to the relationships you have with your friends and loved ones. But what does it take to push consumers over the edge to the point where they break up with the people who fix their cars? [More]

Survey: 40% Of U.S. Drivers Putting Off Vehicle Repair & Maintenance
When you’re driving around in a vehicle that needs repairs, there’s a possibility that you’re putting yourself and others at risk. But with many people still strapped for cash, car troubles often take a back seat to pinching pennies, according to the results of a new survey by our polling pals at Consumer Reports. [More]

Ask The Consumerists: When An "As-Is" Car Isn't What It Seems
Trisha in Oregon bought a great new-to-her car from a used car dealership. Unfortunately, the problem with buying a car “as-is” is that the dealer may not be up-front with you about how the car actually is.
Jiffy Lube Scamming Customers Nationwide
Surprise! Jiffy Lube scamming customers for cars that have never been repaired isn’t just isolated to the L.A. area. It’s happening nationwide.
Jiffy Lube Up For Double Reaming
Yesterday, within 58 minutes of one another, we got not one, but two stories about Jiffy Lube trashing two separate customers’ cars in different ways. Neither accusation is provable; by themselves, mere coincidences. Together, though? Too strange a dark alignment of the illest stars.