Usually when you purchase a new vehicle, you know you’ll have to buy insurance separately, and — depending on the terms of the sale — pay for maintenance costs somewhere down the proverbial and literal road. Tesla says it’s planning to eventually bundle all of that together for one price. [More]
car maintenance

There Are Still Car Maintenance Tasks You Can Perform At Home
The best way to keep your car rolling for as long as possible is to keep it well maintained. While changes in how automobiles are made and repaired mean that it’s hard to do as much maintenance in your front yard than a few decades ago, there are some tasks that can save you money and time later on and that you can perform at home yourself without extensive auto repair training. [More]

Your Car From 1999 Or After Doesn’t Need A Tune-Up
Most people who drive learn the essentials of driving, traffic, car maintenance, and road rage skills from their parents. That’s what parents are for: to pass on their wisdom as well as their bad habits. We also pick up bad or outdated information along the way, like the requirement to change our oil every 3,000 miles. Or the belief that cars need frequent tune-ups. [More]

Get Your Car Ready For Winter
The changing weather means a different set of challenges for your car. In order to do what you can to prevent yourself from getting stranded in the cold in the coming months, it makes sense to give your vehicle a once-over. [More]

Change Your Own Tire And Save A Call To Roadside Assistance
While everyone who owns a car should know how to change a tire, the extent of some drivers’ knowledge on the subject is to pull out a phone and dial up roadside assistance. Learning how to do it yourself can save you from hours-long waits and unnecessary deductibles. [More]

Quick, Easy Ways To Maintain Your Vehicle
Sure, it’s easier just to pretend your car doesn’t need any tender lovin’ care, but neglecting your vehicle’s needs can only work to your detriment. Many spot checks and maintenance routines are quick, easy and less intimidating the more you do them. [More]

What You Know About Car Care Is Probably Wrong
Most Americans drive cars, but haven’t the faintest idea how they work. Often we have car care axioms inherited from our parents or driving teachers that apply to cars from a generation or two ago. What are some commonly believed car care myths that simply aren’t true?