It’s the middle of summer, and we all know what that means: adorable kids learning the basics of capitalism by running lemonade stands. Among those basics: you need to lay down a few hundred bucks at City Hall before you even think about buying lemons and paper cups. Three Georgia girls thought they would earn money for a trip to the water park by selling lemonade in their neighborhood. They were successful…until the police chief happened to drive by, and shut them down for selling lemonade without business and food vendors’ licenses totaling $180. [More]
capitalism 101

As Mother's Day Approaches, Flower Deals Do Not Get Better
ProFlowers sends a lot of promotional e-mails, and Barry is on their list. While the deals on flowers get worse as a major dead-plant-sending holiday approaches, the contrast between one day’s deal and the next was extreme enough to make Barry ask, “How stupid do they think I am?” [More]

Sears Still Has Customers, Can't Manage To Sell Them Actual Merchandise
Freddy tells Consumerist that his girlfriend tried to buy a vacuum cleaner from Sears, but the self-destructive retailer stopped her at every turn. After waiting through six weeks of delays and broken promises, she finally asked for a refund and bought the same item at a lower price at Walmart. [More]