
Why Corporate Lawyers Get "Confused" When You Try To Escape Contract Over Material Adverse Changes

Why Corporate Lawyers Get "Confused" When You Try To Escape Contract Over Material Adverse Changes

Now we know why cellphone companies have been giving customers such a hassle when they try to cancel over material changes to the contract: there’s two possible definitions. Ken Adams, an experienced corporate lawyer who drafts a lot of contracts, says:

Materially Adverse Clauses For All Major Cellphones – So You Can Escape Contract Without Termination Fee

Here’s a roundup of all the contract clauses regarding “materially adverse changes” for all the major cellphone carriers. When they starting charging new fees or raise the price of a service, you can use this section to argue that you need to be let out of contract without early termination fee….

Verizon's New Surcharge For Calling Mexico Means It's Contract Cancel Party Time?

Verizon's New Surcharge For Calling Mexico Means It's Contract Cancel Party Time?

Materially adverse changes to contract mean the contract is void. Is Verizon’s new surcharge for calling Mexico a materially adverse change? The following was included in customer’s April Verizon Wireless bill:

Verizon Keeps Making Up Contract law To Prevent Customers From Cancelling Without Penalty

Verizon Keeps Making Up Contract law To Prevent Customers From Cancelling Without Penalty

Michael tried to cancel Verizon without early termination fee because they raised the basic text messaging rate from .10-.15 dollars. Two customer service reps approved the disconnect without fee, but then it got rejected by the disconnect department. Their reason was that 1) 60 days had passed since the notice of the change was sent out and 2) Since Michael hadn’t used “enough” of the text messages, the change wasn’t materially adverse.

How To Negotiate What You Want From Sprint Retentions

How To Negotiate What You Want From Sprint Retentions

A former call center worker told us how to get to, and deal with, Sprint retentions department so they will fix billing errors, or waive fees.

A Document Alltel Looks At When You Want To Cancel Cellphone Service

A Document Alltel Looks At When You Want To Cancel Cellphone Service

Inside is an official Alltel internal company document on what they’re supposed to do when customers call up asking to cancel their cellphone service.

JetBlue: When Your Canceled Flight Is Not Actually Canceled

JetBlue: When Your Canceled Flight Is Not Actually Canceled

JetBlue, JetBlue, JetBlue. When you cancel a flight, should you be allowed to uncancel it? If you do uncancel it, shouldn’t you tell your customers? Customers who may have left the airport when they saw that their flight was canceled? Grace Kim and her boyfriend had return tickets on JetBlue when their flight was canceled, forcing Kim to rebook on the next available flight 2 days later. When she heard JetBlue was offering vouchers to inconvenienced passengers she called and was told she qualified. Or did she?

T-Mobile Confirms You Can Cancel Without Fee Over Texting Price Increase

T-Mobile Confirms You Can Cancel Without Fee Over Texting Price Increase

Just like we told you, T-Mobile customers can cancel their cellphone contract without paying an early termination fee, but this time, T-Mobile itself actually made a public statement saying so!

Squirrels 1, Comcast 0: Comcast Would Rather Let You Cancel Than Investigate Damage

Squirrels 1, Comcast 0: Comcast Would Rather Let You Cancel Than Investigate Damage

I’ve told them either they are throttling the bandwidth for my neighborhood or it’s a problem on the pole going to my house. They had found a problem there previously; apparently it looked like squirrels chewed through the box and severed components. Squirrels are apparently bad-asses when it comes to taking down infrastructures.

We suppose Comcast could have kept Rex as a customer if they’d bothered to just take a look at his potential squirrel damage. Comcast even promised that they would. They didn’t. Now Rex has Speakeasy. Sadly, when we told him that they’d just been purchased by Best Buy he said a word that nice ladies don’t type on the internet.

Cancel T-Mobile With No ETF Thanks To Txt Msg Increase

Cancel T-Mobile With No ETF Thanks To Txt Msg Increase

T-mobile has confirmed that starting in June, there will be a increase in text messaging rates for users who do not subscribe to a text messaging plan. As Consumerist readers well know, this means that if you don’t have a text messaging plan the rate hike constitutes a materially adverse change and you have the legal right to terminate your contract with no ETF per T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions.

BREAKING: JetBlue Cancels All NY Area Flights, Police Respond To Riotous Crowds

BREAKING: JetBlue Cancels All NY Area Flights, Police Respond To Riotous Crowds

Police are responding to crowd disruptions in the Newark International Airport following JetBlue’s announcement that it was canceling all flights in the New York Metro area.

Crunch Gym Is Notoriously Corrupt

Crunch Gym Is Notoriously Corrupt

Crunch Gym is notoriously corrupt. In the course of running this blog, it’s only natural that we get quite a few similar complaints about the same company. Sears Home Repair People never show up on time. Verizon’s customer service people are mean. Stuff like that. It becomes really troubling when we receive many complaints about a company refusing to stop taking money out of an ex-customer’s account. Those are the complaints we receive about Crunch Gym. Remember Jacob? He was canceling his membership after Crunch tried to charge him extra for adding a boxing ring to the gym.

Consumerist In NYT For Cellphone Plan Escape Tricks

Consumerist In NYT For Cellphone Plan Escape Tricks

Cellphone companies will probably receive an increased number of customers dying, joining the military, and moving to remote parts of America after this morning’s article, “Getting Out of a 2-Year Cellphone Contract Alive.”The piece featured one of our readers, Liza Tremblay, who said she escaped Verizon contract after reading some intel on The Consumerist.

Roundup: Readers Who Canceled Their Cellphones Without Termination Fee

Roundup: Readers Who Canceled Their Cellphones Without Termination Fee

A selection of posts prompted by reader’s success stories in canceling the cellphone service without early termination fee, and how they did it.

Tough Love From A Current T-Mobile Retention Rep

Tough Love From A Current T-Mobile Retention Rep

Taking a break from our whirl of ex-cellphone reps revenging themselves on their former employers, here’s a current T-mobile retention rep telling you how to handle the cancellation call, as well as a perspective on their thought processes.

After Battle, Marie Gets Escapes Verizon Contract

After Battle, Marie Gets Escapes Verizon Contract

After a long battle, which we posted, Marie is getting out her Verizon contract without penalty. She writes:

Cancel Verizon Without Penalty Over Admin Fee Increase

Cancel Verizon Without Penalty Over Admin Fee Increase

Customers can use a new Verizon fee increase to cancel their contracts without penalty, reader eightkid points out in the comments.

Verizon Redefines "Materially Adverse" To Prevent Customer Cancellations

Verizon Redefines "Materially Adverse" To Prevent Customer Cancellations

Marie needs help getting her Verizon contract canceled without termination fee. The supervisor she wrangled with decided that he’s going to reinvent standing contract law…