Kate is a sweet Canadian photo bug who just happened to be taking some pictures of a Toronto Starbucks when a goonish barrista burst out of the store’s chocolate-hued facade and started claiming she couldn’t take photographs of the building. Luckily, a group of tourists happened to be passing, overheard the exchange and staged an impromptu mass rebellion, snapping hundreds of photographs of the Starbucks in question before the Starbucks manager could even speed dial Russel Crowe to sort the whole thing out.

Reach A Human With Roger’s Wireless
This one’s for our Canadian pals, all too often ignored by us as America’s Hat. If you’re a Robert’s Wireless Pay-As-You-Go Customer, once you dial up their customer support line the chances of you escaping the plunging maze of robot menus by speaking to an actual human is roughly equivalent to your chances of doggy paddling through the cold vacuum of space your way outside the event horizon of the black hole of oblivion towards which you’re being inexorably sucked.

Canada Flees The CRIA
We wish this analogy worked better: “Like a loathsome foreign body forcibly ejected from its host…” Then we’d follow the aposiopesis with the news that six Canadian music corporations have left the CRIA largely due to its policies towards copyright and DRM. Unfortunately, CRIA stands for “Canadian Recording Industry Association,” so when six of Canada’s largest record companies forcibly eject from the body, it only leaves the virus in control of the host.

H&R Block Bollocks
H&R Block sucks bricks. They suckle upon cinder blocks so hard that even though we’ve never actually transacted there, but after hearing story upon story of their ineptitude, we just had to give their store the finger as we drove by this weekend.

Record Industry Should Throw Piracy a Party
Surprise! Downloading doesn’t hurt record sales. Double Surprise! The information comes from a study commissioned by the record industry (albeit, Canadian).

Citibank’s Statement on the ATM Crisis
Citigroup spokesperson Elizabeth Fogarty released the following statement to us regarding the ATM crisis:

Massive Citibank Alert: UPDATE
EXCLUSIVE: More dirt on the Citibank ATM failures. What happened after we posed as a concerned customer, as well as secret codes for hassling the Citibank public affairs department after the jump…

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE
Citibank may bee trying to keep this huge scandal so under wraps that they haven’t even disclosed it internally, leaving Citibank workers just as clueless as to why many customers can’t access their accounts in Canada, the UK and Russia. Is there a systemic security breach?
Sprint Canada’s Free Service Worth Every Penny
Joe M. writes:
Sprint Canada provides the toll-free service for the company I work for and has been for as long as I can remember. As a value-added service, they provide flexible call routing features which they call “Time of Day” and “Day of Year”, which allow us to vary the terminating number depending on the date and time. We use this to roll the toll-free number over to a cell-phone that alternates between our service staff, and it is handy for holidays.
Now Canada Is Suing Sony Over Rootkits
Our Northern Brethren are getting in on the act of suing the pants off of Sony BMG for their “DRM” rootkits: