call centers

What Tools Do Call Center Agents Have At Their Disposal?

What Tools Do Call Center Agents Have At Their Disposal?

Ever wonder what call center agents are looking at while trying to help you? Our call center tipster explains that agents have only the tools they need to access your account, and nothing more.

There’s a manual that they follow, that tells them exactly what can and cannot be done in every case. They log into several programs when they come to work.

What Is "Quality Assurance" To An Indian Call Center?

What Is "Quality Assurance" To An Indian Call Center?

What really happens when you connect to an Indian call center? An anonymous tipster responsible for quality assurance gave us an insider’s perspective, which we will share throughout the day.

You know the ‘this call may be recorded for quality and training purposes” message you hear? I’m that guy. I’m the one that listens, finds problems, and fixes them.

To most Indian call centers, quality assurance has nothing to do with the happiness of the caller, and everything to do with how well the agent toes the company line.

Helio Call Centers Staffed By Retards

Helio Call Centers Staffed By Retards

Helio is an exciting new cellphone company! We heard about them some months ago when they just got started and were launching 2-page spreads in major magazines and taking out ads on prominent websites, except then they decided to only pay for the magazine ads and told the websites to go screw themselves. This general air of assclowns spinning asshats on sticks at the asscircus trickles down all the way to their call centers, which, based on reader Dave’s complaint, has their head totally up their ass. Which must hurt because it’s also got a spinning asshat on it (on a stick, no less) but we digress.

Charter Lies To Their Customers

Chris Gates, a former call center representative for Charter Communications, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Charter abuses their employees and lies to their customers. According to her, the number one question asked of CSRs is: ‘Where the !@#% is the tech?!’

So what do call center reps tell callers?

Send Us Your Customer Service Calls And We'll Mock Their Flaws

Call centers of the world, we’re gunning for your asses.

Best Buy Now Staffs Toll-Free Line With Live Humans

Best Buy Now Staffs Toll-Free Line With Live Humans

Did you know Best Buy got rid of their robot menus? Now when you call 1-888-BEST-BUY, all you have to do is press 2 and a human operator will direct your call. This is fantastic. Customers often cite being enraged by pushing button after button, especially when they’re already pissed off to begin with.

Sprint CEO’s Phone Number, And 25 Other Sprint Execs’

Sprint CEO’s Phone Number, And 25 Other Sprint Execs’

UPDATE 5/29/07: Call 703-433-4401, a special number just for Consumerist readers that goes straight to the office of the CEO:

Sprints $3 Rule Is The Average, Not Per Call

Sprints $3 Rule Is The Average, Not Per Call

We’re guilty of spreading disinformation; Sprint’s $3, seven-minute rule is the average customer service reps shoot for, over time. It’s not per call, as we’ve been trumpeting (out our ass, it seems) in our headlines. Kevin writes:

Yep, Sprint Really Only Lets Reps Adjust Billing Up To $3 Per Call (As An Average)

Yep, Sprint Really Only Lets Reps Adjust Billing Up To $3 Per Call (As An Average)

Remember how we said Sprint’s customer service sucks because they only let reps adjust bills by up to $3 per call? Well, that wasn’t no hooey-talk.

UPDATE: Radio Shack Screams Nonsense On Phone With Rebate-Seeking Customer

Daniel writes in a happy ending, with an unexpected twist, to his Radio Shack rebate complaint we posted yesterday.

28 Tips For Winning Customer Service Phone Battles

Here’s 28 tips to help you land a coup de grace when crossing swords with a customer service rep over the phone, glossed from The Red Tape Chronicles.

Repeating The Account Number You Just Punched In, This Is The Future?

After watching this a few times, we’re not sure what’s more annoying, comedian Orny Adams or phone trees.

Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

If your cellphone contract is ending, you can haggle the next one into a much better deal. Here’s how:

Robots Detect Angry Customer Service Calls

Robots Detect Angry Customer Service Calls

Click to see full screen shot.

WaMu Disables Zero To Operator

WaMu Disables Zero To Operator

UPDATE: As of 10:32, the problem seems to be fixed. Bang zero to your heart’s content, our pretties.

Bangalore Officially Changes Name To Bengalooru

Bangalore Officially Changes Name To Bengalooru

Cognisant of the pejorative qualities it has taken on in recent years, Bangalore changed its name to Bengalooru on Wednesday.

Angry Phone!

Angry Phone!

In an otherwise uninteresting Fast Company article involving Lewis Black’s take on customer service, an article written for people who wish they were reading something better than Fast Company, is this picture. I