When celebrating birthdays, blowing out a cake full of candles and singing a public domain song is a time-honored tradition. Yet has it ever occurred to you that this ritual means that the birthday celebrant is just blasting spit over the candles and the top layer of the cake? Well, now it has. [More]

Bakery That Refused To Make Wedding Cake For Gay Couple Closes Its Doors
The Oregon bakery that made headlines back in February for refusing to make a cake for a gay couple’s wedding is once again in the news, this time for shuttering its doors. The owners had cited their faith when reportedly telling the couple, “We don’t do same-sex marriages.” [More]

This Is, Quite Literally, The Sweetest Resignation Letter You’ve Ever Seen
Most folks’ resignation letters are of the two word variety, or even just a single finger held defiantly in the air. But a pastry chef in England decided the best way to say goodbye to his daytime gig with the border protection folks at Stansted Airport was to sweeten his leaving with a little dessert. [More]

How Do You Re-Use A Naughty Cake Pan To Make Something Less Naughty?
It seemed like a really great idea to order a penis-shaped cake pan and make a dirty dessert for your friend’s bachelorette party. But now you have no similar shindigs coming up, don’t need the pan anymore, and you don’t want your neighbors to see it between your old food processor and that iced tea maker at your next yard sale. Throwing it away would be a waste. What do you do? What do you do? [More]

Couple Claims That Bakery Refused To Make Cake For Same-Sex Wedding
What’s a wedding without a cake? A decidedly less delicious one, which is why couples heading for the altar are in the habit of testing out cakes before the big day so they can choose their favorite. In other words, they get to eat a lot of cake to find a winner. But one same-sex couple in Oregon is claiming in a complaint filed with the state’s attorney general’s office that their experience at a local bakery was far from fun when the owner refused to sell them a cake. [More]

A 15-Ounce Pound Cake Isn’t A Case Of Grocery Shrink Ray
Readers keep sending us pictures of pound cakes that weigh less than one pound, complaining that they’re exhibits of the Grocery Shrink Ray in action. There’s a problem with that, though: it’s based on the incorrect assumption that a pound cake is supposed to weigh a pound. [More]

Welcome To The New Improved Consumerist
Extensive market research that we paid out the @#$ for has determined that this blog doesn’t contain nearly enough pictures of cakes and cute animals. Today, at the beginning of a new fiscal blogging year, we’re pleased to bring you additional photographs of things you’d like to pet or eat.

Rent Your Next Wedding Cake!
We’ll admit, there’s a small part of us that’s impressed with the idea—save money on your wedding by renting a fake super fancy cake, and serve the guests a far cheaper sheet cake! But then we think about the bloated ecosphere of wedding planning, and how pointless it all is, and how nobody stays together anyway, and how “the perfect wedding” is all about vanity and wish fulfillment instead of expressing your love… and then we like this idea even more.

Is This The Worst "Professional" Wedding Cake Ever?
There’s a heated debate going on over at a blog called “Cake Wrecks” about whether or not this cake can possibly be “real.” We’re feeling extremely skeptical ourselves, but the blog’s author swears up and down that the pictures came from a real (outraged) bride who really hired a member of the family who was supposed to be a “professional with tons of experience” to make her wedding cake.

Procter & Gamble: Pringles Are Not Potato Chips
Seeking to evade a 17.5% sales tax, lawyers for Procter & Gamble successfully argued that Pringles aren’t actually potato chips. Even though all Pringles containers are clearly marked “Potato Crisps,” Procter & Gamble’s lawyers argued that “Pringles don’t look like a chip, don’t feel like a chip, and don’t taste like a chip.”

7 Ways To Have A Gorgeous And Inexpensive Wedding
Blowing $100,000 on a wedding is still in season, and there’s no better way to show up your over-spending friends than by throwing a lavish affair without bankrupting your parents. Inside, seven tips to have a lovely and affordable wedding.

Wedding Cakes: Buy Or Rent?
“The only difference is the inside. Nobody can tell,” said Kimberly Aya, whose 3-month-old company also bakes real cakes.
The savings from a rented wedding cake could buy a wedding dress at Target. Is it worth it? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER