Apple will replace or refund out-of-warranty frayed Magsafe adapters, according to the terms of proposed class action lawsuit settlement. [More]

Pick The Right HDMI Cables Without Getting Ripped Off
Savvy Consumerist reader know that you don’t need to shell out big bucks for the monstrously expensive HDMI cables some blue-shirted guy is pushing on you in order to get a good hi-def video signal. In fact, as long as you need less than 50 ft, cheap cables you can get at places like Monoprice, Newegg, PCH Cables, or Blue Jeans Cable will do the job just great. But for those friends and loved ones who don’t quite get it, you might want to show this them clip done in cheezy instructional video style to help drive the message home. [More]

Best Buy PS3 Bundle Comes With Overpriced HDMI Cable?
Reader Chris sends in a link to a (backordered) bundle Best Buy is offering. It contains a 120 GB PS3, a wireless controller, and a “Rocketfishâ„¢ – 8′ HDMI Digital Audio/Video Cable for PlayStation 3”. For all of this, you pay only $394.97. Trouble is, the controller and PS3 usually go for $300. See update. [More]

You Don't Need HDMI 1.4 Cables For 3D TV
If you’re ready to shell out $3,000 for a new 3D-capable TV (plus as much as $150 for each additional set of goofy goggles), you can still save a few bucks in one place: cables. Despite what the aggressive electronics dealer might say, any high-speed HDMI cable will work just fine with today’s 3DTVs and Blu-ray disc players. And those so-called HDMI 1.4 cables? They’re not even allowed to mention them. [More]

Monoprice Not Taking New Orders During Fraud Investigation
Popular a/v cable site monoprice is back up but is not taking any new orders while it investigates the potential theft of banking information from its customers. Monoprice took its site offline this weekend after a few customers complained that credit cards they used at the site had fraudulent charges. [More]

Who Is Mourning The Death Of Circuit City? Monster Cable
The notoriously litigious manufacturers of insanely and (some would argue) needlessly expensive cables, Monster Cable, are apparently hurting after the death of Circuit City. USAToday says that the company is slashing prices in order to increase market share.

The "Monster Difference" Is Easy To See When You Compare HDMI To Crappy Composite Cables
Engadget says they’ve caught Fry’s electronics and Monster Cable pulling a fast one on their customers, again. They first noticed this cute little display last year, but it’s apparently still being used. Here’s how it works.

Remember: You Don't Need To Buy Expensive Cables For That New TV
Adam writes in with a reminder for those of you who got a new TV, Blu-Ray player, or video game system this holiday season: you don’t need to spend a fortune on fancy HDMI cables.

MonsterCable Offers Wilted Olive Branch To MonsterMiniGolf
With the launch of MonsterCable has offered a wilted olive branch to Monster Mini Golf. In summary:

Tell Monster Cable To Stop Suing A Monster-Themed MiniGolf Park
If you would like to tell Monster Cable that they’re jerks for trying to shut down the family owned and operated Monster MiniGolf…

Monster Cable Sues Monster MiniGolf For Trademark Infringement
Monster Cable has decided to sue Monster MiniGolf for trademark infringement. Monster MiniGolf is a family startup by Patrick & Christina Vitagliano glow-in-the-dark monster-themed minigolf franchise with 23 locations. Monster Cable, which has an illustrious history of suing anything and everything with Monster in its name, makes the expensive cables that Best Buy is always trying to upsell you on that are no better than coat hangers.

Apple's MagSafe Adapters Still Fraying, Melting, Sucking
Apple’s perpetually melting and fraying MagSafe adapters—apparently these things are made out of Styrofoam and rice paper—continue to cause trouble.
CBC Marketplace compared Monster cables with a midrange and a $12 HDMI cable. Both to the naked eye and to a computerized hardware test all the cable performed flawlessly. The only difference was the price. [CBC Marketplace]

CNET Says Cheap HDMI Cables Just As Good As Pricey Ones
CNET has weighed in and agrees with what we’ve been telling you: cheap HDMI cables are just as good as pricey ones.
Do you really need to spend that much money on a single HDMI cable? Absolutely not–those cables are a rip-off. You should never pay more than $10 for a standard six-foot HDMI cable. And despite what salesmen and manufacturers might tell you, there’s no meaningful difference between the $10 cable and the $50 cable…The editors at CNET are so confident that cheap HDMI cables offer identical performance, we’ve been using inexpensive Monoprice HDMI cables in the CNET Home Theater Lab for more than a year with no issues.
They recommend buying from Monoprice.

How To Design A Monster Vs Coat Hanger Experiment?
One of our readers is an enterprising psych major and he would really like to recreate the Monster Cable vs Coat Hanger test with laboratory-grade methodology, controls, and statistical measures. However, Adam needs your help. What is the minimum equipment he should buy, both audio equipment and coat-hanger-wise?
An AT&T spokesman says yesterday’s data network outages across the U.S. were the result of the cut undersea cable in the Mediterranean that’s caused Internet and phone disruptions across Northern Africa, India and the Middle East. The cable will take 12-15 days to fix, although AT&T’s U.S. network was back up by the end of the day yesterday. [The Seattle Times]

Best Buy Says You Don't Know What You're Doing With HD
Best Buy hired a firm to take a survey of the state of the American public’s knowledge of HDTV, and sad results are in. You don’t know what the hell is going on with your television.